how much of regurgitating is good?


New member
Apr 26, 2017
Lakewood NJ
congo african gray
Hi to all, so my 5 year old CAF that I had for the past 2 months is over all going grate, she come to me and to my oldest son only so far, I’m able to touch her all over and cuddle with her close to my chest, she is definitely craving my attention all the time, regurgitating when I’m next to her and rubbing her beak agents my fingers, I think she is a female, because she will not even let my wife get close to her, only if she has a treat to give her.
On the food side it seem like I got her of the seed food and know I cook for her a mix of rice, pasta, vegetables beans and barley with a mix of pellets and fresh vegetables, eggs and egg shells, and she loves carrots.
What I will like to know is how much of regurgitating is good after all, she does it only when I’m next to her, with the regurgitating she make small chirps sounds, defiantly sounds like overall affection and love but should I try to get her to stop, or with time it will stop.
You don't want to encourage mating behaviour just for the fact that you can't actually mate with her which in turn could lead to confusion/stress/egg laying amungst other problems. Less touchy touchy, keep above neck and put her on a natural light cycle.
Hi, try and not touching her all over as this could be the trigger to regurgitating. Stick to head skritches. Have a stand nearby and if she goes to do the regurg thing place her on it for a few minutes. I have a feeling that is you stop caressing her, effectively giving her the 'come on' it may stop anyway.
Just because she is fond of you and your son doesn't make her female. They don't necessarily choose that way. The only way to know for sure is a DNA test. You can do it yourself for $20. I would do it. It gives me more information about my parrot. Be prepared, the courting behavior may not go away very soon. You must do all you can to discourage it. Jasper and I are going on 6 months and he still hasn't calmed down. He doesn't like to be petted. I can stand 3 feet from him and he'll start to regurgitate. I'm working on it.....
Exactly. It's this time of year too. My Rosie used to do that but I finally stopped petting her all over and now it's my bare toes she regurgitates for. Good grief.
My sun conjure is 28 and still does it to his colorful toys, especially in the spring. There are times I have to remove a toy as he gets to where he actually mates with them. That's how I knew he was male! Lol
Smokey was not a touchy feely type at all...but at times when she was on my shoulder,she would gurgle,wiggle waggle her little tongue,then puke on my shoulder :rolleyes:


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