How many is too much?


Oct 8, 2006
South Africa
Dory - Cockatiel
I bought a new cage the other day for the tiels and have added my ringneck too. I am thinking of adding one more birdie, want to be a momma again!

Its 51cm (width) by 75cm (length) by 70cm (height).
They look so tiny and few in the cage and i want a green cheek conure too. Read all about them and want one!!!
Let me know please i dont want to add too much in one cage!
How about some pics, I've got to find my tape measure to work out the size. We still do things in feet and inches here, (except the kids, and they are now being taught cm) :eek:
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Lets see, just gonna get the camera fast, have no idea how inches and all the others work...oops! LOL!!!
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Arg, nevermind all the batteries are flat here, gotta get some rechargeables! Sorry, hope someone can figure it out for us in the meanwhile!
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I wont be adding another baby at the moment.:( Mom said there was enough for now, never enough for me but i guess i am a little broody again. Anyway, will post pics on cage as soon as i get new batteries that is.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( I blame all these people getting new babies, making us all broody :D It will be nice to see the cage anyway.
i personally wouldnt mix species in the same cage... thats just me maybe if they were ina huge open aviary but in a cage even a large cage i wouldn't.
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No problems with the tiels and the ringneck. My green cheek is getting his own cage, he is in my room and i want to keep him there because he was a bit skittish when still a baby. He got too attached to the tiels and well i'm gonna keep him in my room.
Lucky you! What kind of bird areyou thinking about? I know my next will by a SI ekkie. Of course, I was planning on that before I got Echo, and used that money for my baby, but this time I am sure she is the next addition :rolleyes: Now, if I can only get my mom and dad to say yes...
As Wilma has abandoned us for a holiday :eek: I'll answer your question. Wilma decided not to get another bird but then I believe a green cheek came along and she couldn't say no. :D

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