How many Cape owners are here?


Jul 19, 2012
Los Angeles County, near Palmdale
Scooter -- male Green Cheek Conure "Normal" but that's a matter of opinion! Hatched in March 2010

Scotty -- Male Cape Parrot hatched somewhere between 2007-2009 we think

Caballo Blanco -- male C
I'm just curious how many folks on this board have Capes/UnCapes/you know... I am not all that familiar with other Pois, but they do seem temperamentally quite a bit different from what is reported for other Poi species. We weren't looking for a Cape when we stumbled across Scotty, but now I can't imagine life without him!
Welcome here ;)

I have a female Cape parrot (Grey headed parrot)
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Hi, yes, I know you! I didn't realize you were on here! Nice to "see" you!
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Hey Shade, you have quite a collection of Poicephalus. Do you find Léa quite different from the others, or all of them equally individual?
Hey, you should nominate one of your "Capes" for Pet of the Day! In the many years of running we have never had one nominated! We'd love to help you show your birdie off to more people!

Okay, living in Massachusetts, when I saw the thread title, before looking at what forum it was in, my brain posited "why would someone on the parrot forum be asking about human house styles?"

Anyway, to nominate your special Cape, see Tell the world about your pet! for details, or just PM me!
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That could be fun, but I'm not sure I have a picture of adequate quality. Hmmm.....

Oh and LOL! If I'd said UnCape would it have been better or worse?

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