How long to wait for a mate?


New member
Oct 29, 2014
Sun Conure - Fredastair

My partner and I have a baby sun conure. He is almost one. We got him because out 18 month old Green Cheeck sadly died. When we got Fred, our sunny, he chose me and from then on has been my bird. He still loves his daddy but is very much a mummys boy.
My partner really wants another green cheek to be his bird but we aren't sure when would be the best time to get one.
Fred has bonded with me but probably not fully yet but Im not sure. I've heard and read lots of different reviews on the situation. Such as getting another bird while fred is still a baby means they grow up together yet others have said wait till he is older and completely bonded with me before we get another.

Any advice please :greenyellow::orange:
If he is almost one then he is no longer a baby. In my experience the longer you wait before adding a second bird, the more difficult the transition because the bird is used to being the only bird.

I am assuming of course that you intent to practice safe and responsible quarantine and introduction tequniques and that you fully intend to buy your new bird his own cage.
Get another bird when you are ready.

I don't think age makes a bit of difference. There's no way to know if they will love or hate each other regardless. My sennies are siblings and hate each other and they both hate my mac. Just make sure each one gets their own space and time with you or your partner and it should be fine.
Both SS & thKarens have valid points, though if your partner want their "own" bird, they need to be the one who feeds it, gives it treats & interacts with a new bird the most...but...your partner should be aware that it is totally up to the individual bird as to who might become its favorite person.....

Sounds like your house has a conundrum to work out.....good luck.....
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Thank you.
My partner is convinced if we get another bird now that they will more than likely bond to one another and not want to be around us at all. Is this a possibility?
Anything is possible, but if they each have their own cage and space and you spend time with them individually I wouldn't worry about that.

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