How large should a preen gland be?


Aug 21, 2012
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Jack- 5 year old pacific parrotlet
I was toweling Jack to trim his nails and noticed his preen gland for the first time, but I can't tell if it looks normal. It's a noticeable bump when you part the feathers, raised up from the actual oil secreting 'brush'. He is going through a molt, so there are many very large blood feathers surrounding it. Does anybody have pictures or a description of what a normal preen gland looks like?
I was toweling Jack to trim his nails and noticed his preen gland for the first time, but I can't tell if it looks normal. It's a noticeable bump when you part the feathers, raised up from the actual oil secreting 'brush'. He is going through a molt, so there are many very large blood feathers surrounding it. Does anybody have pictures or a description of what a normal preen gland looks like?

The preen gland is a body part that the vast majority of Parrot owners, rarely, if ever spend anytime looking for or at, let alone take photos.

It maybe a better direction that you take a photo and post it. It would likely bring a response as Owners compare it to their Parrot.

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