How do you start your sunday morning.


New member
Dec 22, 2013
i got 1 green cheek cinnamon,a rose crowned,a yellow sided and a hybride from the first 2

I was curious how you start your sunday morning.
My fids are in my room so they gently wake me up by soft purring.
Yeah they want breakfast,so i drag myself out of bed get their breakfast and jump my bed in.
But trying to sleep trough all their eating noises just doesn't work.
So i boot up my computer get myself a nice cup of thee.
And after that i give them clean water,in which they of course have to bathe.
You ever seen 2 gccs trying to bath in the same bowl? it's hilarious.
They try to push each other out,so i have to refill the bowls about 3 times and start my day with 4 happy wet birds.
And now i got to mob my floor...
This Sunday has started poorly, and I have a feeling will be one of those days I just want to hit the FF button and be done with.

3:30am-The alarm on Joe's phone that wakes him up for work goes off. He does not actually work today and thought he had turned the alarm off last night. The phone (with most irritating alarm EVER) is somewhere in the living room, so he runs out and instead of turning the light on, he just starts running wildly in the dark. For anyone who has been following the custom tank for my newt I've been building, it is no more. That has now been reduced to a pile of splinters by my husbands feet Naturally, this is somehow MY fault that he didn't turn on the light so he could see where he was stomping.

3:45am- I had been happily asleep, and while my stupid brain usually doesn't sleep in much past 4/4:30 ever, I at least had a good hour ripped away from me. My brain is now WIDE AWAKE but I'm still so tired physically. Go to make a big pot of coffee and discover I had not washed the coffee pot and filter yesterday.
Stupid sink will only run 2 temperatures- extremely hot or cold. Scorch my hands, only further waking my brain up while the rest of my body just screams to go back to bed

Now I am waiting for my coffee. I am already ready for today to be over. I was going to do some baking for Kiwi this AM, but at the rate this day is going, I would probably catch the house on fire or something.
I had to wake up at 4am because my son left for a national chess competion at 5 :eek:

So I'm pretty bleary eyed today. But I still went to FOUR (insert violent and nasty words) different hardware shops to find new blades for my jigsaw. :mad: No luck! I get sooooo pissed off when kids barely out of school think they can educate ME on what blades I need and don't need and have the gall to sneer at me : "you want to make something for your PARROT??!" like I'm an idiot. :mad: :mad:

On the upside - at the last hardware store, I bought a roll of poly rope to make toys - 55 meters of it! And later realised the checkout girl only charged me for ONE meter, not 55! Nope, I'm NOT going back, think whatever you want :54:
and have the gall to sneer at me : "you want to make something for your PARROT??!" like I'm an idiot. :mad: :mad:

Haha, I've got that dumbfounded, slightly patronizing response before too. It's like people think they sit in their canary cage all day whilst they sing and look pretty. I think next time, you should bring Mr. Percy along to reinforce your point;):green:
April - once I have completed Percy's attack-parrot training, I will! I need him to be able to rip open stupid faces on command :eek:

I hope your day has improved a bit!
6:00 am, Num Num starts his usual singing and calling to get the day started.
which starts all the other birds chirping and singing, and occasional screaming.(all 16 of them)
at that point I pull the pillow over my head and try to fall back to sleep.

my baby chicks(6 of them)start chirping for food by 7 am

I get up, make my cup of coffee,while I prepare the feeding formula, feed all 4 cats, and let my 2 dogs out.

back into the bedroom balancing my coffee in one hand and a full measuring cup of very hot water full of syringes, and I'm still not fully awake, sort of on auto-pilot.

I feed 6 very loud babies all wanting to be fed immediately, while my other birds are squawking at the top of their lungs cause they love the hand feeding formula too and want some!.....oh my poor ears, the noise is almost deafening.

by the time I finish feeding the chicks,I leave the noisy bedroom to let the dogs in, greet them, then I get to sit down and sign on to my computer.....this is when I relish some peace and quiet and come on here :)
gosh, it sounds like the theory of a peaceful Sunday a.m. has gone to the birds ;)
7:00 Am, we start the morning feed for the birds, and today is also cage scrub day. We usually finish by 11 - 11:30 :( Thank goodness for my hubby's help!
I hate Sundays.
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Alarm went off at 7:15 am I get up and warm up formula for the baby I am still feeding, then I start making the morning food for everyone else, while they are screaming for me to hurry up. My husband always gets up earlier than me and not a peep can be heard but as soon as my feet hit the floor they know mom's awake and begin demanding their breakfast. After that I change waters. Then I start my coffee, sit down with the first cup on the computer, drinking it fast enough to burn my mouth because I have a million things to do today.

Watered the bonsai and other house plants.

Today is cage cleaning and scrubbing perches....6 cages!

Later I have to bathe and begin grooming my 72 lb Standard Poodle, he is very well trained and stands well but it is still a chore and my back feels broken by the time I am done. It typically takes me two days to do him completely. I bathe, dry, brush him out then clean and pluck his ears, then shave his face, feet, tail and groin. Then the next day I shave down the rest of his body.

Before I am finished with all of that it will be afternoon feeding time for the birds. I need to make up some more quinoa and beans so I will have that cooking at some point.

I am working on a very large painting and would like to get in at least 4 hours of work today but that will have to come after. So no rest for the weary this Sunday!
Oh and I need a haircut but I am fairly certain that will be cut from the agenda today even though it doesn't take long I keep my hair very short, like Carol from the Walking Dead.....Day isn't even really started and I already feel like the walking dead! LOL!
Sunday is cage day, and there's lots of cages.
Sunday for us is home/clean day in the mornings. Both our birdies sleep in till about 8:30. They get woken at 7 on weekdays. Lazy breakfast, Bosley eats on the kitchen counter LOL can you say spoilt.
Then just pay time, showers and cage scrub downs and house cleaning. I never schedule an thing for my Saturday and Sunday mornings. It's birdie bonding and relax time with copious amounts of coffee
Wow, reading everyone's crazy schedules gives me mixed feelings about adding to my flock later on!
Although I do better with a schedule anyway, so I'm sure it isn't as bad as it seems, and clearly the pros outweigh the cons. :p
Sundays are our easy days.. We have Mondays and Tuesdays off, and Brad only works 12-4 (Rather than 10-7) so everybody gets to sleep late, until the birds wake us up around 10:30, then they get breakfast and social time with us before he goes off to work.
I *wanted* coffee this morning, but somebody didn't feel like leaving early enough to take me to starbucks(We both used to work there and get free coffee.) so I stuck with my cereal and a cup of water.
Since he only works 4 hours today, I usually do most of my cleaning on Sundays. (I know, I'm a lazy housewife. But in my defense, we aren't married, I care for the animals, and I absolutely *hate* doing dishes.) So today is the day everything that didn't get done during the week gets done..
Also need to take the stone tiles out of the Beardie's tank and wash those..
And I need to make new toys for the conures and clean the remains of their old shredders which are now in pieces.
But on the bright side, keeping busy makes time go by faster, and the weather is getting nicer so I'm probably gonna look into getting a harness for the conures.. :D
Love Sundays !!! Changed my Big clean day to Fridays after work.So Sundays are a little bit more of a sleep in day for me [weekdays Im up at 4am]. I make them a special breakfast omlettes ,oatmeal mash or bird pancakes . Sometimes while their waiting for things to cool [I give them a little snack] . I have a double living room [and am in the center of them ] . They get to all come out on playstands or gyms on top of their cages [most all of mine can be out at the same time.] They play ,then come and snuggle with me . Im goofy with them :) . I try to work on things with them . Today I was playing ball [with a ball sock ] with my Goffin Pearl. I also was working with Percy [my chattering lorry] to enjoy the toys on the playstand [he did well ]. The only thing I try to do also is work out [and its cardio ] . Its funny when im doing this I look around the room and see a lot of them trying to do it to [lot of head bobbing and side swaying :) LOL.
Shoot! I work Sundays. Up at 5:30-6am... well try to, I still haven't quite adjusted to the time change yet so right now it's 6:30-7... rush around getting ready (and feed and water the only two pets I have right now - A rabbit and a cat), shoot down coffee, workout if I somehow managed to get up before 630 and then drive to work! Do 8 hours of office wonderfulness (insert sacarsm... darn Sundays and office work), sneak out often to cuddle with my zoo animals, and then miraculously make it to 5pm. At which point a glass of wine is in hand as soon as I am home. :D
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Every day is different, due to my boyfriend's (police officer) revolving schedule, and my flexible work schedule. I am usually off on Sundays, but can choose to go in and get work done if he is working, and I want a clear schedule on another day.
Today I stayed home, even though he worked and birdies were all up and out of their cages by 8:30. Everyone was on their own training perch, and we worked for about an hour before snack time, which is always green beans, snap peas, and mixed nuts. Then it was listen to music and dance around time for another hour or so. Then it was shower time, and everyone got a shower. Then we all took a nap for a while. Then everyone came back out for more play time. I took my mom out for dinner, so I made a mash for the fids right before we left and they all enjoyed.
We got home and watched a movie. I took all birds back out while I changed their food and water, petted them, and said good night. I'm going in to cover them in a few.
I 2nd the reality check of multi bird homes. Maybe this should be the thread to base my 1 or 2 birds decision on!

Hahnzel is flexible. He sits and stares at me until I make a move towards my slippers. Then he gets excited ( as do the shepherd and standard poodle). Then it's off to the potty where he offloads roughly 1/3rd of his body weight into the toilet (still amazes me the size of his FMP-first morning poop).

Next it's into the kitchen to make my coffee and then into the shower. He stays on his play stand on the bathroom counter while we sing to each other. If mr stinky doesn't want to move I leave him there while I get dressed for work (everything but a ratty t shirt so he doesn't eat my buttons!), clean his food, water, veggie bowls and refill them.

Then he goes back into his cage without a fight (yeah right, in my dreams), and I leave for work. When I open the front door he makes the most pathetic mournful "awww!" noise as I'm going, leaving me apologizing for having a job or other things to do that don't involve him.
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I think that if you decide to do it (get the second bird) that once you get used to it, you are not even going to notice the extra work ;)
Well first off I spend a few minutes relishing the fact that I can still put my feet on the floor, I head to the kitchen for coffee and then I wake up Tiki and then my wife with a cup of coffee in my hand for her. Then I turn on the computer and set there perusing the Parrot Forums with her on my knee, Tiki I mean not my wife:eek:. Although the latter may have been interesting:)
I think that if you decide to do it (get the second bird) that once you get used to it, you are not even going to notice the extra work ;)

Good luck with that. That was the same thing I told myself too when I got Mac. But no, I noticed the extra work immediately.

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