How do you get anything done with your fids around


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
Hello everyone,
Kyo is absolutely wonderful. She is very very friendly and always wants to be with me or my husband (her aggression towards him has almost gone away)!

The problem is, sometimes she just won't let me do things. Sometimes she sits on my hands to stop me from writing when working on schoolwork, and she'll nip me if I don't spend the whole time I'm with her interacting. Sometimes I need to leave to pee and can't take her with me because the cats sit outside the door and try to run in when I open it. She doesn't like going back in her cage on my terms at all. I can't even distract her well with treats anymore, she's figured out that she can sit on my hand, grab a bite and run up my arm. Clever girl.

When I'm at work, I watch her periodically with a monitor, and she plays plays plays with her toys and has a great time. How do I convince her that sometimes the toys outside of her cage are fun too?! I've even switched toys around frequently and toys she loves in her cage she ignores to be with me.

It's official. I have myself a velcro-bird.
LOL. I don't.

My parrots ARE my life. :)
I utilize a portable perch (and sometimes the bird backpack). If Kiwi gets down, he is immediately put back where he was before on his perch or in the backpack. If he is feeling particularly naughty, he gets to go back to his bird area and doesn't get to hang out anymore (which on occasion, he loudly protests). They will eventually learn though. It's a matter of who has the most patience, you or the bird:)

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