How do I train my Senegal parrot?


New member
Dec 21, 2012
Asia, Jordan, Amman
Two Cockatiels, A Timneh African Grey
Hi, I have two Senegal parrots, male and a female, they are pretty young and new to our home, and I want to train it so how do I do that?
Start by placing your hand in the cage and moving it around slowly, maybe touching toys and the like. Once they no longer freak out about your hand being there put your hand in there while holding a small dowel. Once they are used to that if they are perched or on the side of the cage move the dowel closer and closer to them. After you get to the point where you can touch them with the dowel and they arent scrambling to get away start getting them to step up on the dowel by pushing it against their chest. As they get used to that you can start trying to take them out of the cage on the dowel. Once you can get them out start moving your hand closer and closer to the point of the dowel where the parrot sits. Once you can touch their feet replace the dowel and just use your fingers.

This is not a speedy process you have to earn their trust. You WILL GET BITTEN and probably a lot. Dont hold a grudge, just ignore it they are just trying to defend them selves. If you make a big deal over it they will do it every time.

Keeping their wings clipped during this time will really help. And do not house them together or even close to one another until they are tame otherwise they bond to one another and not you, making it impossible to tame them.
Excellent instructions Heather! I once had a pair of lovebirds that I got from my neighbor. They were not tame when I got them. I'd only had a pair of finches before. So getting these 2 lovebirds was a new thing for me. I found that I had to separate them to tame them. One would not tame at all, but the other one did get tame and would run over to me for me to pick it up. I continued to let them be caged together, but would do the taming sessions individually, and it was helpful if the other one was out of earshot, because it kept calling to the one I was taming.

My "taming sessions" was just me and the lovebird, off in another room... me holding the bird and talking to it. Spending one on one quality time.
Def house them seperately otherwise like heather said they'll bond with one another and totally avoid you. Make sure your the one to always clean their cage, change the water daily, change the food when it needs it, reach inside and give em a peanut from your hand see if they take and slowly they should come around to you. Took my Zuzu awhile for me, hated me when we first got him, now he my buddy, goes and does everything with me. I can do whatever i want to him, and he'll groom me in return lol.

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