How do I tell if I caught parrot fever from my peerakeet?


New member
Feb 13, 2022
I picked up a parakeet from my local pet store it was definitely overcrowded cage was dirty not well kept but about 2 weeks later I came down with what I consider a mild fever but enough to keep me down my temperature is about 101°. I have no runny nose no sore throat no cough just a fever I'm wondering if I contracted parrot fever from my parakeet. I also didn't realize by kissing your birds especially on the beak that's the easiest way to get it which I did on several occasions I didn't realize you're not supposed to do that but every time I would you know tuck them in at night I would kiss them both will this if I do have parrot fever we'll just go away on its own or do I need to get antibiotics does anyone else have this
Please members be careful talking about topics you don't have knowledge about or experience with!

Parrot fever is caused by a bacteria
Chlamydia psittaci

Its easily treated , in people, usually with azithromycin or doxycline.

If you have a fever of over 100 then you need to see your doctor. But its a low chance that this is Parrot fever.

For the most part:
If your budgie was shedding enough bacteria to make you sick ( its harder for people to catch than burds) then he would be showing signs if being sick. Green runny poop, fluffed, not eating, or loosing weight sneezing, watery eyes, at least some of these symptoms or a combination of them .

Kiss wouldn't be the main way you would catch it. It aerosols from dried poop and so you inhale it. This bacteria is easily airborne. So if your bird had it and if you were a person who would catch it. It would nit make a difference if you had never kissed your bird

For burds it takes an extended 45 day treatment of doxycline, and relapses are common. But iv seen even verry sick burds recover when given treatment. Yes it can cause sudden death in burds( usually babies or just weaned) , or chronic sickness, or interment, or they can Clear it on their own without you knowing. But if they have symptoms they have to be treated to recover.

A lot if us kiss our birds. But we have to be careful thst our bacteria doesn't hurt the bird.

I had 7 burds sick with Parrot fever and I didn't get sick.

Everyone is different, every situation different. It is a disease people can catch. In people usually its like pneumonia . And before antibiotics were available it could be fatal. So its worthwhile telling your doctor that you have parrots abd are worried about Parrot fever.

But the few members who had parrots with this and had threads about also didn't get sick. Just to make feel calmer .

But again it is possible. But probably coronavirus is much more likely, or something else. Please do see a doctor.
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I picked up a parakeet from my local pet store it was definitely overcrowded cage was dirty not well kept but about 2 weeks later I came down with what I consider a mild fever but enough to keep me down my temperature is about 101°. I have no runny nose no sore throat no cough just a fever I'm wondering if I contracted parrot fever from my parakeet. I also didn't realize by kissing your birds especially on the beak that's the easiest way to get it which I did on several occasions I didn't realize you're not supposed to do that but every time I would you know tuck them in at night I would kiss them both will this if I do have parrot fever we'll just go away on its own or do I need to get antibiotics does anyone else have this
Welcome to the forums, Marathonrunner! I would echo my colleague Laura's advice to you here. Parrot fever or psittacosis can be a real problem for your new parakeet if left untreated, but it can be treated with antibiotics by a certified avian vet - I've had a bird treated for it too. It is sometimes able to be passed onto to humans but VERY rarely, my doctor told me in all his years of practice he had never seen it in a human patient. It can however have very serious consequences for your birdie so please have him seen by a vet as soon as you can. The following link may help you to locate an avian specialist near you if you are not already familiar with one ...

Personally I recommend a general wellness check with any new bird anyway, to pick up conditions such as this which can lie dormant but flare up and become very problematic later on.

I wish your little one a full and speedy recovery! 🙏
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Please members be careful talking about topics you don't have knowledge about or experience with!

Parrot fever is caused by a bacteria
Chlamydia psittaci

Its easily treated , in people, usually with azithromycin or doxycline.

If you have a fever of over 100 then you need to see your doctor. But its a low chance that this is Parrot fever.

For the most part:
If your budgie was shedding enough bacteria to make you sick ( its harder for people to catch than burds) then he would be showing signs if being sick. Green runny poop, fluffed, not eating, or loosing weight sneezing, watery eyes, at least some of these symptoms or a combination of them .

Kiss wouldn't be the main way you would catch it. It aerosols from dried poop and so you inhale it. This bacteria is easily airborne. So if your bird had it and if you were a person who would catch it. It would nit make a difference if you had never kissed your bird

For burds it takes an extended 45 day treatment of doxycline, and relapses are common. But iv seen even verry sick burds recover when given treatment. Yes it can cause sudden death in burds( usually babies or just weaned) , or chronic sickness, or interment, or they can Clear it on their own without you knowing. But if they have symptoms they have to be treated to recover.

A lot if us kiss our birds. But we have to be careful thst our bacteria doesn't hurt the bird.

I had 7 burds sick with Parrot fever and I didn't get sick.

Everyone is different, every situation different. It is a disease people can catch. In people usually its like pneumonia . And before antibiotics were available it could be fatal. So its worthwhile telling your doctor that you have parrots abd are worried about Parrot fever.

But the few members who had parrots with this and had threads about also didn't get sick. Just to make feel calmer .

But again it is possible. But probably coronavirus is much more likely, or something else. Please do see a doctor.
Thank you so much!!! Great Intel and I first thought it was covid-19 but after getting tested I was negative but perhaps the test was wrong and I need to get a second test to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Both my birds show no symptoms of being sick their poop is normal color they're very active a preen themselves they kiss each other and they seem very healthy in spite of the fact the one bird I bought from this pet store was in deplorable conditions.

I am going to get tested for parrot fever and if I test positive I'm most likely it'll probably have to give my birds away as I know it could take 45 days of treatment and I don't want to end up getting a relapse cuz I also read you don't develop an immunity from this once you get it you can get infected again.
If this is parrot fever it is a horrible bacterial infection I had this since last Wednesday and I'm just totally bedridden in spite of the fact my temperature is only 100° and in many instances 99.9 so I've been incapacitated I can't believe it's a small little temperature could make me feel this horrible I have not gotten sick like this in over 30 years I never take the flu shot and I never get the flu every year so this is a real newbie for me
Do repeat covid test. This sounds how freinds and family who had covid described it.
I hope you were vaccinated. And I hope you don't have this or Parrot fever.

With healthy birds, its extremely unlikely to be Parrot fever. But always better to be safe than sorry.

This is my Laura's Tea recipe
It has no actual tea. Hot water (boiled, microwave wharever) add honey to your taste, then a slice of lemon, a slice of Lime, and a slice of orange. This is a magic feel good mixture helps with nausea, sore throat, cough. Just hit water honey and the must have of each citrus.
I know you dont have those symptoms , but I hope it makes you feel better too.
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Welcome to the forums, Marathonrunner! I would echo my colleague Laura's advice to you here. Parrot fever or psittacosis can be a real problem for your new parakeet if left untreated, but it can be treated with antibiotics by a certified avian vet - I've had a bird treated for it too. It is sometimes able to be passed onto to humans but VERY rarely, my doctor told me in all his years of practice he had never seen it in a human patient. It can however have very serious consequences for your birdie so please have him seen by a vet as soon as you can. The following link may help you to locate an avian specialist near you if you are not already familiar with one ...

Personally I recommend a general wellness check with any new bird anyway, to pick up conditions such as this which can lie dormant but flare up and become very problematic later on.

I wish your little one a full and speedy recovery! 🙏
I'm going to go to my doctor tomorrow my primary care doctor see if I can get tested for parrot fever I have a feeling he'll think I'm ridiculous. I tested negative for covid but my friend says that could have been a false test. As of right now I'm actually beginning to feel a lot better than I did yesterday and even this morning whatever this bug I had it was not a high fever but it was terrible kept me down for since Wednesday I could not even function I had to sleep all day. Do you know anyone who had paired fever and how did they feel exactly like me not a high fever but just felt blah couldn't get out of bed
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Do repeat covid test. This sounds how freinds and family who had covid described it.
I hope you were vaccinated. And I hope you don't have this or Parrot fever.

With healthy birds, its extremely unlikely to be Parrot fever. But always better to be safe than sorry.

This is my Laura's Tea recipe
It has no actual tea. Hot water (boiled, microwave wharever) add honey to your taste, then a slice of lemon, a slice of Lime, and a slice of orange. This is a magic feel good mixture helps with nausea, sore throat, cough. Just hit water honey and the must have of each citrus.
I know you dont have those symptoms , but I hope it makes you feel better too.
You are so kind thanks for the great advice and I think you're right my bird seem very healthy in spite of the one that was in deplorable conditions he's very spunky very active eats like a pig and is droppings look normal.

But you know the odd thing I cannot get either of my birds to bond with me my bird that I got 6 months ago he will not let me touch him until it's dark then he'll let me pick him up outside of that it's like he'll fly away every time
I'm going to go to my doctor tomorrow my primary care doctor see if I can get tested for parrot fever I have a feeling he'll think I'm ridiculous. I tested negative for covid but my friend says that could have been a false test. As of right now I'm actually beginning to feel a lot better than I did yesterday and even this morning whatever this bug I had it was not a high fever but it was terrible kept me down for since Wednesday I could not even function I had to sleep all day. Do you know anyone who had paired fever and how did they feel exactly like me not a high fever but just felt blah couldn't get out of bed

First, I'm glad you're feeling better.
I had a friend many years ago who got psittacosis. It started like a cold and then continually got worse. Like I said, this was many years ago, 30 at least, and psittacosis was not really talked about then so she never talked to her Dr. about it.
She didn't start out really sick, but every day got worse. It wasn't until she was unable to get out of her bed after 3 months that they thought to test for it because she mentioned all the birds she had.
I agree with the others that you should ask to be tested, but only to calm your worries. Based on your progression it was nothing like hers and I really don't think that's what you're dealing with. However, I know that everyone can react to things differently.
I also agree about having another Covid test. I feel that is much more likely.

I hope you continue to improve, sending healing wishes your way.
I'm going to go to my doctor tomorrow my primary care doctor see if I can get tested for parrot fever I have a feeling he'll think I'm ridiculous. I tested negative for covid but my friend says that could have been a false test. As of right now I'm actually beginning to feel a lot better than I did yesterday and even this morning whatever this bug I had it was not a high fever but it was terrible kept me down for since Wednesday I could not even function I had to sleep all day. Do you know anyone who had paired fever and how did they feel exactly like me not a high fever but just felt blah couldn't get out of bed
Parrot fever is a very misleading name. Its an old school name when they called every thing fever. Its not just a fever. Its more if a pneumonia plus minus gastric

Also dirty poop filled cage isn't the cause technically, its an obligate intra cellular bacteria. So its not multiplying in poop like E.choli or other bacteria. It must be inside a body.
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First, I'm glad you're feeling better.
I had a friend many years ago who got psittacosis. It started like a cold and then continually got worse. Like I said, this was many years ago, 30 at least, and psittacosis was not really talked about then so she never talked to her Dr. about it.
She didn't start out really sick, but every day got worse. It wasn't until she was unable to get out of her bed after 3 months that they thought to test for it because she mentioned all the birds she had.
I agree with the others that you should ask to be tested, but only to calm your worries. Based on your progression it was nothing like hers and I really don't think that's what you're dealing with. However, I know that everyone can react to things differently.
I also agree about having another Covid test. I feel that is much more likely.

I hope you continue to improve, sending healing wishes your way.
Yikes I can't believe your friend waited that long to get tested it doesn't seem to be a respiratory issue with me it just I have a flu I mean a temperature no sore throat no runny nose no cough. I am going to get another covid test to make sure I didn't get a false negative thank you very much
Yikes I can't believe your friend waited that long to get tested it doesn't seem to be a respiratory issue with me it just I have a flu I mean a temperature no sore throat no runny nose no cough. I am going to get another covid test to make sure I didn't get a false negative thank you very much
It was 30 years ago, and she had never heard of it. None of us had. By not finding out sooner, it was a long hard road for her. I'm glad that it is more commonly known about now so that no one has to go through what she did.
Best of luck to you:)

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