How do I get my Sun Conure to want to be with me? LOL!


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
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New York
I Sun Conure who hatched March 23. 2004. I adopted her on May 8, 2005
I had a Quaker Parrot named Nikki who lived for 19 years
I grew up with Budgerigars named Screech, Zoar and Blue Baby
So my Quaker Parrot passed away at 19 years of age due to liver issues. Her best friend is a Sun Conure who is also 19 years old. In the many years I have had them, I have always felt closer to the Quaker. Now it is just me and the Sun and I really want to form a great relationship with her, but am having some trouble with it because there are just things my Quaker did that made us click that my Sun doesn't do.

For example, whenever I would call out "Hey girls!" or "Hi Sunny, hi Nikki." My Quaker would always answer with a chirp or a squawk. With Sunny, I always have to call out like at least 10 times.

Nikki was extremely tame and would always step up readily and if she didn't want to step up she would just be all chill about it. She would not bite. If Sunny doesn't want to step up, she will either nip, bite, or screech at me. I have a hard time getting her out of the cage. It takes quite a while, but once she is out, she is fine. She is onlyl super interested in me whenever I have food.

She is eating and drinking and is at a consistent weight. She is just a bit bitey, and screechy when she is upset. I am sure she is still grieving. My vet said that she would be sad for a few weeks. Will she ever want to be with me? She lets me pet her and will go on my shoulder. She does step up onto my hand most of the time. I do training with her at least 5 days a week. I read to her before bedtime. I take her outside when the weather is nice. I will sometimes shower with her when she is not getting misted or bathing in her bowl. I am constantly doting on her. Maybe I am just trying too hard. I feel really pathetic LOL! I have had Sunny for 18 years, since she was a year old.
I think the vet is right in this, she is greiving the loss of her friend. Your training sessions with her - what are you guys training on? My Salty really LOVES his training sessions and learning new tricks and things and its a great way to build or strengthen your bond. Give her time and be supportive, like you are doing. I bet she comes around to you more.
I think the vet is right in this, she is greiving the loss of her friend. Your training sessions with her - what are you guys training on? My Salty really LOVES his training sessions and learning new tricks and things and its a great way to build or strengthen your bond. Give her time and be supportive, like you are doing. I bet she comes around to you more.

My latest trick is teaching her how to dance on cue. She just finally got it. She always knew how to dance (sway from side to side (because apparently, I do it), or she does it when she eats. I just got her to do it on cue when I say "dance."

I really want to teach her how to open her wings but I will have to teach her that via capturing since she doesn't like it when I try to open her wings up. If you have any suggestions on how to teach that let me know. Does Salty know how to do that?

She used to talk, and I am trying to get her back to saying "hello" again as well. She also used to say step up as well.

Other things she knows

1. She can target, which includes both walking and flying to the end of a target stick.
2. She can make a kiss sound on command when I say "kiss kiss"
3. She can do a softer and sweet-sounding tweet on command when I say "tweet."
4. She can do a quick shake of the head from side to side as if saying know when I say "shake"
5. she can turn 360 degrees when I say "turn around"
6. She can do the wave.
7. She can recall to my hand

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