

New member
Aug 7, 2015
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Hi this is my 1st post here. About 10 days ago I found a parakeet, rather it found me. He/she flew in a open window of my house. Thinking I would only have him a day or 2 till I found owner, I bought cheapest cage pet shop had. Now that it looks like he staying, I want to get a much larger cage. Most of the really big cages I have seen are labeled for parrots, I am worried about the spacing of bars. I don't want to buy a large cage only to have him squeeze though bars every day. How should bars be space for him. I picked up a box labeled mix seed for parakeets, I have a large vegetable garden, can I feed him raw vegetables ? What about fruit ? Thanks for taking time to read this.
By all means feed him fresh veggies and fruit, along with pasta, beans, lentles, etc. Don't just give him seed. As far as bar spacing 1/2 is definitely okay. My parrotlet's cage is a fortress compared to her size. They are smaller then a parakeet. She has an outside cage as well. Try and get one where the door opens out rather then the gillotene kind. You can use the cage you have now and a travel cage or for outside.
Hey Stony, Welcome to the forums! Thank you for taking in a needy budgie!

You might want to look at flight cages for your new friend, they have small gauge wire and small bar spacing but provide lots of space. Here's an example but there are lots of varieties.


As long as there are no fertilizers or pesticides on your garden, raw vegetables are wonderful choices for any parrot. Here's a couple of links for diet.



Enjoy your new friend and your stay on the forums.
Allee That is just what I was looking for !!!!! Looks like little guy can have everything in the garden . Sure i am going to be posting often with questions thanks.
As Allee posted above, a type of cage they call a "flight cage" is perfect (and made for) small birds such as finches, budgie parakeets, and birds of that size. The "nicer" style of flight cage that is in the link, you'd have to order online. Otherwise, a pet store might have flight cages that are a style like a bigger version of what you already have.

1/2" maximum. Actually that is the smallest spacing they make birdcages in, and all true flight cages have 1/2" spacing. My budgie (non-English) can fit his entire body easily through a 1" space :eek:.
Aww, yay for the budgie finding you!
Welcome :)
I can't believe he flew in a open window. All of my windows have screens, I happen to be cleaning them by soaking in bath tub, I left windows open, thinking for a hour how many bugs will fly in LOL.
That's wonderful! The little guy had a plan when he flew into your life! I'm so glad he found the right window and arrived safely.
I can't believe he flew in a open window. All of my windows have screens, I happen to be cleaning them by soaking in bath tub, I left windows open, thinking for a hour how many bugs will fly in LOL.

Just 1 BIG one, lol
I can't believe he flew in a open window. All of my windows have screens, I happen to be cleaning them by soaking in bath tub, I left windows open, thinking for a hour how many bugs will fly in LOL.

That's just amazing that it happened :)! I know, with the summer heat, flies... ugh!

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