House chicken


New member
Nov 9, 2017
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Finnegan the Timneh, Chicky the Cuban Amazon and Fanny Featherbottom the house chicken.
I just laughed so hard...

My Cuban Amazon's (Ricky) cage is on top of the house chicken's (Fanny Featherbottom) cage. Fanny rarely goes in there because she sleeps in our bed, but one of the cats likes to curl up in her bed in the cage. I was giving Ricky little pieces of walnut, some were dropping on the cat. I didn't realize this until I noticed Fanny pecking the cats face for the pieces. Oh my where's the camera when you need it!
that's ok, cats are an inferior species......before everyone goes omg he said that,,,yep even now known a at to learn tricks or talk...nope case closed.
that's ok, cats are an inferior species......before everyone goes omg he said that,,,yep even now known a at to learn tricks or talk...nope case closed.
Well the cat did stay there while the chicken pecked his face so....

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