Horn colored Sun Conure beak!


New member
Jan 22, 2012
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Las Cruces, NM
Pineapple Turquoise Greencheek Conure-Ivy❤️, Male Cockatiel-Lusa (aka Bub =D)
Hello Everyone! Since I've been able to get comfortably closer and closer to Milo I'm starting to notice alot of interesting features about him! I saw the white tips on his flight feathers that I posted last week and now I've been looking at him a little bit more and it seems that he has a slight horn colored strip on his upper mandible? He doesn't look like a hybrid at all but its very cool looking and thought you guys would like to have a look and let me know what you think? Have any of you seen this before?? He's already over a year old so I don't think its the baby beak coloring because it should have been gone by now right?? His feather coloring is pretty much fully grown in also and he looks stunning! It's just this horn color is still present, which honestly I hope it never goes away!

Here are some pics!

Some aren't that great but there's a couple that you can really see it! What do you guys think??
I dont really see anything that looks abnormal. As for the flight feathers, thats normal to have washed out tips and happens with mine too, but I cant really see much in the picture with the beak. Looks like its maybe a bit lighter or just more reflective of light. I wouldnt be worried but if anything seems off check with the vet. Every bird is going to have minor differences in appearance just like people, if you see a stock of 1000 sun conures youll see various things that would probably look a little abnormal.
The fourth link really shows it there, and that's how it looks in person. It's very obvious. I guess the pictures just don't it any justice.
Thats what I assumed, its hard to catch things with surfaces that shine like that, but even so it is not extreme. I would worry if the lighter color appears to grow, as that can indicate illness, but if it is how he has been, its normal for birds to have mild variations from beak to beak.
I think it's very pretty.

Juvenile Rickeybirds have a pale horn-colored stripe down the front of their beaks, and it goes away by 7-8 months. Of course, I didn't know this and flipped out!
I thought it was striking, very macaw-like.
If you are referring to the lighter colored 'strip' on the upper mandible, that is totally normal. I don't think I've ever seen a sunny without one of those. They do differ in size/color though- that I have noticed. Skittles 'strip' is two different colors. Its grey on one side and brown on the other.

With sunnies, you just know that if there is a way they can get more attention paid to them by this coloring or that- they'll probably fabricate a coloring just for that purpose.
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My sun conure, Sunny, has a horn colored beak too, it has become more obvious with age. I was searching the internet for a while to see if this was normal- I suppose it is? Thanks for the post!:orange:

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