hopefully getting another rescue!


New member
Sep 27, 2011
Blue headed pionus parror
So recently my father moved in who dislikes pretty much all animals. He made me give my dog away (no kill shelter) about a month ago for no valid reason except that he didnt like him. I had no say in what happened or else id choose for my father to move out. Anyways my friends mother has an african grey parrot that has plucked itself bald probably because of bordom, stress, and of course bad diet! It has a cage appropriate for a small conure or cockitiel! my pionus who is smaller has a much bigger cage! he has 1 acrlyic toy 2 perches and 2 chewed up metal food dishes.. they said they dont give him toys because he destroys them.. at that point i thought my friends mother was an idiot but i was even more suprised when i saw what it was having for dinner that day.. all seeds no pellets and cheerios is what it has in its cage all day.. for dinner that day was chicken nuggets and salty french fries from Mcdonalds. I imediattley asked what they were doing and they said they give it whatever they eat. really? then her mom told me shes trying to sell the bird.. of course being who i am im prepared to pay the ridicoulous price she wants for this poor thing. she wants $700 but im going to try to talk her down because he needs a new cage, toys and an immediate trip to my avian vet who saved martys life. Hes not very tame hes a fear biter but seems very sweet hes around 4ish i think she said? anyways im planning on talking to my dad and hopefully use a guilt trip into letting me at least get this bird away from that situation and if he doesnt work out here ill find him a new home. just thought id let you guys know my newest idea
hopefully it works out! if not im taking toys and food over there!
From what you've described, it's amazing this poor bird is still alive! Remind them that $700 is the price of a young, healthy, fully feathered grey. This poor baby needs a vet visit, a new cage, toys, and the right food. As far as destroying toys goes, "If they can't destroy it, they don't enjoy it". Thank you for trying to help this bird. Good luck.
That sounds horrible! Deep fried McDonalds food?! I would freak if someone tried to feed that stuff to our birds! I really hope you can talk her out of wanting so much for him, I honestly don't know anyone that would pay that much for a plucked grey! You say he isn't very friendly now, but you can't really blame him, he is on an unhealthy diet, in too small of a cage with no toys to play with. If he was in a bigger cage, with good food and lots of toys he would probably turn right around!
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im hoping so! thanks for the encourgement guys! do you think things will change between marty and i if we add another bird to our flock? and im gonna explain to her what shes asking is a very high price and try to off her $300. hopefully things turn out good! im gonna talk to my dad again tonight!
Why did you get rid of your dog, your dad moved into YOUR HOUSE?
You are doing him a favor by letting him be there.
What will happen when you bring home the gray?
He won't like that either.
It sounds to me like the 2 of you are not in agreement.
Will that work as a living situation?
Let us know how it goes. I am in a similar situation where my mother doesn't like animals.. Well the ones that can walk around, and she sees them. I live in a three story with my own floor. Anywho, I don't intend on being her long, so, with that, I hope it works out for you.

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