Historical film on Princess Parrots

Polytelis Media

New member
Mar 19, 2011
Previously owned many species
I always appreciate someone being modest about their successes in life but I had to share here with folks about this major event for me. After dreaming about it for years in 2008 I got to film wild princess parrots in the Gibson desert. Bear in mind that there is almost nothing known about this species in the wild. Some folks pay over $3000.00 for a trek to see this elusive species and most do not see any. I was super fortunate for sure after 10 days in the outback filming. Now the amazing part is that I have been told by authorities in Australia that (at least at that time) there is no other moving footage of this species on the planet. Either historically or current. How cool is that?! But the real cool part was just watching this gorgeous polytelis parrot wild and free in its desert environment.

In the DVD they looked like they had eye makeup on but I know they did not. I am speaking of the bird that showed how they cool themselves off by digging a hole in the soil. Amazing feat of how adaptable these birds are.
They're absolutely beautiful. I wanted one of them at one point....
Beautiful :) Our local bird sanctuary has some Princess of Wales parakeets...and I just love them.

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