hii I'm new and need some help


New member
Apr 16, 2012
hi I'm new to this forum i have a eclectus parrot a female, coffin cockatoo, and a parakeet. the main reason why i can to this forum is because my female eclectus parrot over preens and don't know what to do i have tried toys she shows no interest and i have taken her to a bored certified avian vet and he simply said thats what female eclectus parrot do. have gotten her in september don't know anything about her my sisters friend no longer wanted her i didn't ask questions the vet gave me spray which doesn't work does anyone have any ideas ? :confused: for her diet its manly fruit and veggies she gets little to none seeds
Hello and welcome! We'll get your cockatoo out of its coffin and give you interesting advice ESPECIALLY when we get bored!

Don't give up with the toys! There are many, many different categories of toys and different birds show different levels of interest to different toys! There are preening toys for birds who like to preen!

Don't push your bird too hard. Let her set the pace. But you can try other things to keep her occupied, including foraging and trick-training. You might want to give her frequent baths/showers and make sure her environment is sufficiently warm and humid.
Welcome to the forums, I have tried sprays, which did help some. But Mac hated the smell and hated being misted, so I ended up having to chase him around the house which scared him even more. Plus your not supposed to get the spray in their eyes, which is hard not to do since I was haing to chase him around while spraying him. I guess you could get him in a towel and try spraying him that way.

You can also get an Aloe leaf and get the gel from it and heat it up with some water to melt it. Put it in a spray bottle, which works just as well as long as your bird doesn't mind being misted. Plus it smells batter than the other spray.

To me, the most productive thing that I have done for mac is give him a bath every other day minimum and since it's getting warm every day. This is feasable for me to do since I'm home all day and take him in the shower with me in the mornings. So by noon time, he's dry. I also have a blow dryer which he tollerates.
Also, the worst tim for Mac and his over preening is when I go off for a few hours and he's locked up in his cage. He has preening toys, but he rarely uses them. I think it's boredom and force of habit with him. Plus the lady who had him before me didn't force him to take a bath and he went for a couple of months without bathing. This is when he started over preening.
welcome to the forum. just a quick question, you said fruits and vegetables and little to no seeds, do they also get pellets? Alison and Sweetie pie:D

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