My name is Hailey. When I was a kid my mom used to rescue and re home neglected and abused parrots or those whose owners could no longer care for them for whatever reason. I helped care for budgies, cockatiels, a quaker, an amazon, an African grey and a sun conure which I hand fed as a baby. I've always looked back at my experiences with parrots and decided to look for a parrot to give a permanent home with my family. Less then two weeks ago I adopted a conure (I think it is either a green cheek or a maroon belly). He's about 11 months old. He has a few issues we are working on at the moment. One being he only likes to eat seeds unless he is fed directly by my husband or myself and even then he really doesn't like vegetables, only fruit. I've tried healthy home made bird bread but besides one of the days he doesn't touch it. I plan to get him a vitamin supplement for now. I have another recipe I would like to try for him as well. His second issue he his having is his reluctance to play with any toys. I think it's strange... I've never seen a bird who didn't like toys. But I have had some luck with Popsicle stick and bell toys. He won't touch anything else I have put in or on his cage. If I take his piñata toy out and lay it on me, he immediately goes to town on it though. He won't even look it's way when it's in the cage. Just by putting the toy on me he has almost devoured it in a few days. When we picked him up from his previous owner, he only had one toy in his cage so maybe he just hasn't had much experience with toys. He didn't have any plucked feathers or anything. He's a bit nippy as times but also sweet sometimes too and loves to ride around on our shoulders much of the day. My husband and I are loving our new conure who we just named Bobby and are already considering getting another, probably another conure. We are wanting to adopt the next bird like we did this one instead of getting a brand new one from a pet store or breeder.
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