Hi there


New member
Dec 28, 2013
I just got a parakeet two days ago and have found forums to be a good place to learn how to properly raise a bird using actual experience of other bird owners so, here I am.

I bought my parakeet from the pet store the day after Christmas. Her cage is set up on my desk which I never really used before this anyway so she's welcome to be there. I cleaned my room up all nice and tidy like for her to have a safe environment and I bought all the necessities for her, food, toys, a little hut which she refuses to use still. But thats okay, I know it must be a lot for her to adjust to.

I named her Nadia after a dear friend of mine who convinced me to get a budgie. She seems to be warming up to everything quite nicely and I think she may come to really like it here.
Welcome to the forums. Glad to have you! I named my budgie after my grandma, Julia. My SBC's name will be Chuck, named after my grandfather, Charles <3 PM me and feel free to post threads if u have any questions. Everyone here is really nice, and informative :)
Welcome ,you can find a lot of information here,that will really help you^^
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These two are the best pictures I have been able to get sadly, including my signature, because my iPad has a horrible camera:
Hello and welcome! Nadia is a real cutie, thank you for sharing pictures!

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