Hi I am a new Cape Parrot owner


New member
Nov 27, 2012
Las Vegas
Noah the Solomon Island
Ophelia the Cape Parrot
Hi everyone,
My name is Lynn and I am new to the group and new to large bird as well. I am a stay at home mom with 3 children. In my spare time I am a volunteer for a Hospice here in Las vegas and enjoy bringing my 3 therapy dogs with me. they are Wu a 7 lb shih tzu. Nestle a chocolate 5lb shih tzu & Minnie my tiny 3lb Yorkie. Yes they got smaller and smaller for the sake of my frailer Older ladies it makes it easier for them to hold.
I have a wonderful husband named Rich who is also member on this forum. He goes by rlhvegas. Rich has an eclectus male named Noah and I have a cape Parrot who I have not named as of yet I could use some help deciding so I am going to a thread for helping me pick. I am glad to have found this forum and hope to make some friends.

My Cape parrot is a brown neck subspecies and is a 6 months old female.
Our Eclectus is a Solomon Island male and is 3 months.
Do you know who her breeder was?
I have an 18 month grey headed parrot and she's quite sassy ;)
Her breeder was Wing Nuts
and is she cuddly and sweet or mainly fiesty

Oh another baby from Maggie! I know a few people who have got babies from her! Would you be aware if she had any siblings? I know of three people who recently got babies of hers, two girls who are definite sisters and one boy who might be related to them. I think she has two Cape pairs..
I read it as well.
I wouldn't say Léa is smelly and while she was a clumsy baby, I wouldn't say she's very accident prone.

I was quoted in the article - stubborn they are.
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Her breeder was Wing Nuts
and is she cuddly and sweet or mainly fiesty

Oh another baby from Maggie! I know a few people who have got babies from her! Would you be aware if she had any siblings? I know of three people who recently got babies of hers, two girls who are definite sisters and one boy who might be related to them. I think she has two Cape pairs..

She had one brother and one sister. I bought her from a women here in Vegas who originally bought her from Wing Nuts she in May she is 6 months if that helps :)
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Do you have contact info for the breeder? A friend has been trying to find a reputable breeder for a Cape. She is in NYC.

I just found her on her website called Wing Nuts
Her breeder was Wing Nuts
and is she cuddly and sweet or mainly fiesty

Oh another baby from Maggie! I know a few people who have got babies from her! Would you be aware if she had any siblings? I know of three people who recently got babies of hers, two girls who are definite sisters and one boy who might be related to them. I think she has two Cape pairs..

She had one brother and one sister. I bought her from a women here in Vegas who originally bought her from Wing Nuts she in May she is 6 months if that helps :)

Would she happen to have named her Holly?
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The man in that article with Truman scared the day lights out of me. Does anyone else with a cape have the same problems. I have been told by reputable breeders that the males are far more difficult than the females. I am worried now. I did read that they were the perfect angel birds so I am shocked at the article. Because of their rarity it is not like I could call up people and ask how theirs behaves :(
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Do you know who her breeder was?
I have an 18 month grey headed parrot and she's quite sassy ;)

Hi Shade,
Do you agree with the article about Truman it has me very worried. I did hear that females are better behaved than males as a rule. Sort of like how the male eclectus is more docile than the female. what do you think. What do you mean by sassy???? LOL
The man in that article with Truman scared the day lights out of me. Does anyone else with a cape have the same problems. I have been told by reputable breeders that the males are far more difficult than the females. I am worried now. I did read that they were the perfect angel birds so I am shocked at the article. Because of their rarity it is not like I could call up people and ask how theirs behaves :(

First, every parrot is an individual.
Capes are Poicephalus which are known to be stubborn which I find is part of their charm.

Having both male and female Pois, I have found the females to be easier to deal with when hormones come around, however that is not to say that females are just plain easy.

With that said, the sweet disposition parrots have as babies doesn't reflect how they will be as adults; but, when you think about it, everything changes somewhat when they mature, why would birds be any different?

I was quoted in the article (I'm Natacha) and Léa at 18 months is in a transition period. She is stubborn, but I was fully expecting her to start testing boundaries. She is a drama queen, but it's more comical than anything else. She throws "temper tantrums" but that does not mean she's mean. She just flies it off or she lets a scream or two (a proper scream, not what was shown in the video) but then that is it, especially if I don't react to it. I have always been more the figure of authority here (I set rules, my boyfriend not so much) and when she challenges, it's directed at me, not my boyfriend. However, I'm also the one she comes to when she wants to cuddle.

She is NOT smelly. She was a clumsy baby but she's no more accident prone than any of my other guys.

How you handle that transition period will influence how your parrot will turn out. Of my other birds, I got my Lovebirc and Senegal as babies and both turned out to be great birds.
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Oh another baby from Maggie! I know a few people who have got babies from her! Would you be aware if she had any siblings? I know of three people who recently got babies of hers, two girls who are definite sisters and one boy who might be related to them. I think she has two Cape pairs..

She had one brother and one sister. I bought her from a women here in Vegas who originally bought her from Wing Nuts she in May she is 6 months if that helps :)

Would she happen to have named her Holly?

WEll yes she had how od you know her
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The man in that article with Truman scared the day lights out of me. Does anyone else with a cape have the same problems. I have been told by reputable breeders that the males are far more difficult than the females. I am worried now. I did read that they were the perfect angel birds so I am shocked at the article. Because of their rarity it is not like I could call up people and ask how theirs behaves :(

First, every parrot is an individual.
Capes are Poicephalus which are known to be stubborn which I find is part of their charm.

Having both male and female Pois, I have found the females to be easier to deal with when hormones come around, however that is not to say that females are just plain easy.

With that said, the sweet disposition parrots have as babies doesn't reflect how they will be as adults; but, when you think about it, everything changes somewhat when they mature, why would birds be any different?

I was quoted in the article (I'm Natacha) and Léa at 18 months is in a transition period. She is stubborn, but I was fully expecting her to start testing boundaries. She is a drama queen, but it's more comical than anything else. She throws "temper tantrums" but that does not mean she's mean. She just flies it off or she lets a scream or two (a proper scream, not what was shown in the video) but then that is it, especially if I don't react to it. I have always been more the figure of authority here (I set rules, my boyfriend not so much) and when she challenges, it's directed at me, not my boyfriend. However, I'm also the one she comes to when she wants to cuddle.

She is NOT smelly. She was a clumsy baby but she's no more accident prone than any of my other guys.

How you handle that transition period will influence how your parrot will turn out. Of my other birds, I got my Lovebirc and Senegal as babies and both turned out to be great birds.

Thanks so much for that. It has seriously put me at ease. Its been a few days and just now she actually let me Love on her. She let me totally rub all over her head while she sat on my finger and in and out of her cage. I am shocked as two days ago she was biting the crap out of me. I am still torn about her name now I decided Ophelia may be hard to say so I am thinking Breeze or Breezie or Paisley or Calliope. What do you think
She moved homes, the biting was just her way to signal to take things slow as she probably needed to get comfortable with her new environment.

There is one thing to say about body language, as you get to know her, you'll get better at reading her and reading signals that she might or might not want physical contact. Respect that and this should help a lot (not imposing if she doesn't want it).

But, you also got to experience the sweeter Cape side :)

I still think Ophelia is the cutest name, but you should go with whatever you feel is right, even if it takes a few days to decide.
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Just read a good article on having a Caped Parrot.

Trained Parrot - Blog Articles About Training Parrots Tricks

I wouldn't exactly call it a good article. HAHA. Id say it was making quite a few generalizations. Just because Truman is a handful does not mean all capes are. There are not enough comparisons to make it a rule that all capes behave this way. I have found through research that females are not as fiesty lets call it. I am hoping that my little one may have a different personality :)
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She moved homes, the biting was just her way to signal to take things slow as she probably needed to get comfortable with her new environment.

There is one thing to say about body language, as you get to know her, you'll get better at reading her and reading signals that she might or might not want physical contact. Respect that and this should help a lot (not imposing if she doesn't want it).

But, you also got to experience the sweeter Cape side :)

I still think Ophelia is the cutest name, but you should go with whatever you feel is right, even if it takes a few days to decide.

How did you know her name was Holly?

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