Hi from Brisbane, Australia


New member
Jul 8, 2012
Brisbane, Australia
Elroy - Hahns macaw, Ponyo - Sun conure
Hey guys,
Been doing a lot of reading here and figured since I am on here learning so much I may as well join up so I can post if I feel I can contribute.

I have had quite a few birds over the years. When I was in my teens I had a few avairy birds including bourkes parrots, pale headed rosellas and my favourites at the time my princess parrots.

I also had a few companion birds including a budgie, a cockatiel and and absolute character the scaly breasted lorikeet named Norman that I hand raised when I was in my late teens (he still lives with my folks). Anyway it all got left behind when I went off to university, went to parties, played with cars, met girls etc. Sure I had a few stints caring for others birds when they couldn't (a sulpher crested cockatoo and a eclectus) but during this time I did not have any birds of my own.

Now days I am working as a chemistry/biology teacher (I originally studied zoology) and life has slowed down... a little :p
I found myself wanting a companion bird again and now that life is stable I decided that I could take on a medium sized parrot. I originally was looking at eclectus as I had loved my friends that I had cared for. In searching around though I came accross the hahns macaw and really liked what I saw.

Being in Australia macaws are pretty rare and so I was very surprised when I found a breeder within an hours drive from me. So anyway went for a visit last week and met the hahns he had available :) They were gorgeous. I have picked one that I am especially fond of and told the breeder that I would stay in contact and be back when I was ready at home.

Hopefully I'll pick the little guy up later this week and I can have some pics up then :)
Thanks for reading. I'll see you around the forum!
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Welcome~ I'm in Australia, too. :)

Hahn's Macaws are adorable, you'll love having one. I almost got one, but went with my conures instead, hehe.
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Thanks guys :)

I'll put this in the macaw section with pics when I pick him up. Can't wait! :)

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I found a pic from when I went and met him for those interested :)


I've found a lot of friendly folks here and a wealth on knowledge!!

Best of luck with the addition to your family!!
Welcome to the forum!
I love hahns macaws, they have a baby face that is just so cute! I also almost got one instead of my conures but couldnt find any, congrats on your new fid!
Hi and welcome... I'm also from Brisbane...

Thankfully the Macaws and Amazons are coming down in price...
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Thanks guys for the warm welcome :) and yep he sure is Bec! :)

Hi and welcome... I'm also from Brisbane...

Thankfully the Macaws and Amazons are coming down in price...

This is true though price wasn't really a concern for getting the feathered companion that I really want and pales in comparison to upkeep anyway. I expect him to be around for a looong time :)
Welcome welcome!
I'm a teacher in Brisbane too, small world!
welcome to the forum and your baby is really cute:D
Welcome to the forum! He is adorableeeeeeeee! :D
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Thanks guys :) Pretty old thread. Elroy is now 1 and a bit years old and has been with me 7 months :) He is doing wonderfully.

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