Hi from Australia


New member
Aug 8, 2015
Tynong North, Victoria, Australia
Mali - Cinnamon Pearl Pied Cockatiel
Aurora - Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure
O'tika - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure
Adria - Green Alexandrine
Luna - Turquoise Indian Ringneck
Hi guys, I've just joined and I'm from Victoria, Australia.
I've had birds all my life, we had black capped lorikeets as kids, and dad has a red winged parrot and princess parrot, we also had a few cockatiels.
My husband and I have 2 Green Cheek Conures named Aurora (Rory) and O'tika (Tika), a Cockatiel named Malolo (Mali).
We also have 5 Green Cheek Conure chicks ranging from 7 days to 13 days old. These babies are our first clutch of GCC babies, although I've had a clutch of 2 Cockatiels babies once before but we didn't handrear them, we've been handrearing our GCC since Tuesday night and everything is going great, they'll all feeding brilliantly and gaining weight, especially the youngest who was a little touch and go for a little while, we'd left the youngest 2 in the nest (on the advice of the breeder of GCC pair) with the intent on pulling them tomorrow, but the youngest started to lose weight, went from 8 g to 6 g so we pulled the last 2 out yesterday and very happy to say its just cracked the double digits! It's TEENY compared to the rest but doing great, very strong and runs around with its siblings in the brooder.
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Welcome! Would love to see some pictures of your birds, sounds like a full house :)
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I'm just trying to figure out how to upload pictures, is there a way to upload directly or do I need to use photo up,et or something?
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I've read the post on how to upload pics but still can't make it work, any help with how to do it from my iPad?
testing, new laptop and no photos of my bird on this yet.


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I use photobucket and they give you a direct link.
I think the post on how to do it goes step by step?
If you want to upload files from your computer (not your forum gallery) then use the "Go Advanced" message settings (below the quick reply box at the bottom of threads).
Then on the next page, below the message box there's a button called "Manage Attachments", click that.
That will open up a small window and the first option will be to "choose file", click that and you can browse and select pictures from your own files to upload.
It'll take a minute (or less) to upload the file, then you'll see the file name appear in "Current Attachments".
Close the window using the button at the bottom of that page. Enter some kind of message in the message box and when you submit there should be the image.

You should be able to select more than one if you want
I don't know iPads but Doublete is probably right to use another site and link it in the thread. Photobucket or something like that would be easier but I can't help with that method. Sorry :(
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Mali in her favourite position :)


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Rory and Tika


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The babies a few days ago


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The brooder set up
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Our littlest baby yesterday reaching 10 grams


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