Hi Everyone


New member
Jun 27, 2013
Totec - Rainbow Lorikeet
Hi folks, I'm a new member to the forum.

I'm also a pretty new parrot mum - and completely by accident!! About 3 weeks ago I found a gorgeous little rainbow lorikeet sitting on my gate. "He" was completely tame and obviously belongs to somebody but nobody has come to claim him - I posted notices and called neighbours. So I'm now owned by this little lorikeet! And as far as I'm concerned he found me. :p I have called him "Totec" which is a retake on the name of an Aztec god.


Not a great photo but better than nothing!

I live in the tropics of Australia so very lucky to have some great bird wildlife.

I look forward to sharing experiences and advice - the main reason I'm here!! (And pics!!) I never thought I'd be a bird mum but I've fallen in love with my little guy and his hilarious personality.
Welcome to the forum. :) Totec looks spectacular!!! :D

We have a number of lorikeet enthusiasts, so if you have questions, just ask away.
What a pretty bird. Welcome to the forum and the world of being owned by a parrot:)

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