Hi all!


New member
Aug 13, 2012
Hi, I'm Brandy. :D I am a graduate student who has been enthralled with birds for, well, forever, but I've unfortunately never had a situation where I could share my home with a feathered baby.

Finally, my boyfriend and I have decided to begin researching birds (we are currently looking at conures). We won't be able to adopt a bird for a few more years, but we figure that all research is good research! We are hoping to find some advice on good "first timer" birds.

Currently, we are owned by 3 dogs, a kitten who thinks she's a dog, a hamster, and two man-rats. They are my loves.
My conure is amazing! I think you're making an excellent choice for a first bird. I am hoping you can get one sooner than predicted!

Welcome to the forum also!
Welcome to the forum! I'm sort of biased, but I say green cheek conures are the way to go! They're playful, cuddly, and sweet. They're a bundle of fun, LOL. My two GCCs are my 24/7 entertainment,lol. =)

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