New to Parrot Forums.....and looking for some good advice for my wonderful little Quaker.
Am not new to parrots and have had plenty of experience with a Quaker which I owned many years ago which unfortunately passed with old age.
Anyway, I recently decided to purchase another one, which I have but despite being told he was hand reared I believe him to be parent reared. Only due to the fact that when I brought him home he had no interest in stepping up and when attempting it, he simply squawked like he was terrified of the human hand. Which either way makes no difference to me as I am aware these little fluff balls are quite easy to tame. Having said that it has been a while so I just wanted some advice on further development.
When I brought him home, as he was terrified of my hand I simply let him fly into his cage out of his holder with no further interaction at all. Once settled in his cage I left him quiet for 24hrs to get used to his new surroundings. The following day I sat with him, close to his cage and it didn't take long for him to settle back on his perch quite near me. In fact over the last week of sitting close to him, he is now happy to stop hiding in the corner and stay perched and/or happily eat from his dish even when I raise my hand to the cage. I am feeling over the next week I will introduce perch (stick) training, ie: putting the perch in through the bars of his cage and letting him get used to it to see if I can start the step up process. Once this has occurred then I will be attempting to let him out.
Does this method of training a parent reared bird seem correct? I have read so many conflicting posts over the internet I figured I would play it out to how I would feel if I was the parrot and gently ease him in to trusting me but the last thing I want is to be doing this all wrong.
He is very inquisitive and although I have tried a few treats and millet spray by hand to no avail (despite him having a good look), I believe he is either a fussy little beggar or is simply not yet comfortable with a hand feed. Should hand feeding perhaps be taught once he's out of his cage or am I looking at a parrot that doesn't like treats?
He is only 4 months old and I am well aware that patience is a virtue so any other advice would be truly appreciated. My previous quaker was hand fact I chose the egg and visited him weekly after 4 weeks, so when bringing him home he was already stepping up and happy to sit on my shoulder, which does lead me to believe the Quaker I have purchased was parent reared, and ironically enough already in a bird carrier when I went to collect him. And yes although perhaps that should have rung alarm bells, I actually don't really mind, parent or hand reared, they all deserve the same respect.
I look forward to hearing some advice
Am not new to parrots and have had plenty of experience with a Quaker which I owned many years ago which unfortunately passed with old age.
Anyway, I recently decided to purchase another one, which I have but despite being told he was hand reared I believe him to be parent reared. Only due to the fact that when I brought him home he had no interest in stepping up and when attempting it, he simply squawked like he was terrified of the human hand. Which either way makes no difference to me as I am aware these little fluff balls are quite easy to tame. Having said that it has been a while so I just wanted some advice on further development.
When I brought him home, as he was terrified of my hand I simply let him fly into his cage out of his holder with no further interaction at all. Once settled in his cage I left him quiet for 24hrs to get used to his new surroundings. The following day I sat with him, close to his cage and it didn't take long for him to settle back on his perch quite near me. In fact over the last week of sitting close to him, he is now happy to stop hiding in the corner and stay perched and/or happily eat from his dish even when I raise my hand to the cage. I am feeling over the next week I will introduce perch (stick) training, ie: putting the perch in through the bars of his cage and letting him get used to it to see if I can start the step up process. Once this has occurred then I will be attempting to let him out.
Does this method of training a parent reared bird seem correct? I have read so many conflicting posts over the internet I figured I would play it out to how I would feel if I was the parrot and gently ease him in to trusting me but the last thing I want is to be doing this all wrong.
He is very inquisitive and although I have tried a few treats and millet spray by hand to no avail (despite him having a good look), I believe he is either a fussy little beggar or is simply not yet comfortable with a hand feed. Should hand feeding perhaps be taught once he's out of his cage or am I looking at a parrot that doesn't like treats?
He is only 4 months old and I am well aware that patience is a virtue so any other advice would be truly appreciated. My previous quaker was hand fact I chose the egg and visited him weekly after 4 weeks, so when bringing him home he was already stepping up and happy to sit on my shoulder, which does lead me to believe the Quaker I have purchased was parent reared, and ironically enough already in a bird carrier when I went to collect him. And yes although perhaps that should have rung alarm bells, I actually don't really mind, parent or hand reared, they all deserve the same respect.
I look forward to hearing some advice