New member
I am not really too "new" as you can see by my number of posts, but I realized I never really properly introduced myself! I am trying to learn to become an avian behavior spe******t, and I currently own a blue and gold macaw and an indian ringneck parakeet. My macaw is my baby, he spends all day with me while I am not at school. I inheirited both parrots from my grandmother who did not have the time to take care of them. My indian ringneck is not as friendly as my macaw, as for about 15 of his 20 years of life he was in a cage. "back in the day" people obviously didn't find that parrots needed as much attention as they do nowadays. i have worked off his cage territorialness, (mostly) and he steps up and once he is out of the cage he is fine. I don't currently think he will ever be able to live up to his full potential after how he was treated, but since he and my macaw are both going on 21 years old, there is not too much time left with my parakeet to be able to win back those 15 years (they usually live to be 25, while macaws 60-100), but I really enjoy them both and i think they are both the best pets ever. I hope you know a little bit about me now that I have introduced myself (WOW)