My 15 month old African grey has started plucking. This must have gone on for a while at least 2 months. As he's our first we thought he's molting and over preening but 2 days ago we were visisted by a group of kids who were loud and Leo felt nervous And as soon as we got them to leave, play in another part of the house and Leo was left alone he plucked so badly there are bald patches and blood in several places and he keeps picking at it.
The vet says it's behavioural and there is no sign of an illness.
I have read a lot about it online but please I need practical tips that have worked with others.
I wish he would stop hurting himself. I feel physically hurt myself. Its my fault.
The vet says it's behavioural and there is no sign of an illness.
I have read a lot about it online but please I need practical tips that have worked with others.
I wish he would stop hurting himself. I feel physically hurt myself. Its my fault.