Help with Talking


New member
Dec 5, 2011
I am new to the site and have a CAG named MR., which is 6 months old. I want to ask, around what age do they start talking and picking up word easy? My husband and I am working with MR. saying the same smiple words not wanting to start out with to many. Am I starting out right or do I need to something else along with what I am doing..? Just wanting to get all the advise and imput to raise a great CAG...:)
I have a blue crowned conure that is extremely conversational; he uses words and phrases in the right context. I never intentionally taught him to speak, but I use the same phrases with him every time. He has picked up many of those phrases and uses them correctly.

Some people use tape recorders to teach their birds to talk, but I think that encourages mindless repeating ("parroting") without true comprehension. Talk to your parrot and use the same phrases every time.

My conure likes to say, among other things:

Do you wanna go night-night? (when he wants to go in the cage and have it covered)
Do you want some nummy num? (when he wants something to eat)
Go in the cage. (when he is calling the other birds to go in the cage with him)
Julian go bye bye? (when my son is gone)
Shhh. Stop, no no no no (he says this after screaming for a few minutes)

Good luck :) and have fun...your bird may just start a conversation with you out of the blue when you least expect it!!
Hi there and welcome to our wonderful forum
I have attached a link pertaining to teaching your bird to talk
Simple and easy methods to follow, many have had success following it.

Teach Your Bird To Talk

If you require any further assistance, give a shout out.

Good luck
Antoinette is the best person to talk to about teaching your grey to talk. Her Mishka is an amazing boy!
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Thank yall so much and I will start the cd training... So Excited and can't wait for Mr. to start talking....

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