Help with my new GCC


New member
Jul 9, 2015
Mochi the Cinnamon GCC
Hatch date- June 4th 2015
Today I picked up my baby from the breeders. It was so exciting. Unfortunately I lost my sensibilities and let him sit on my shoulder for the entire ride but to my house (my mom drove). I don't know if that will ruin our bond, and hopefully it won't. He seems fine, except for the fact that he's been eating almost non-stop since coming home. Is that normal? Should he be eating that much?
He's started preening my hair and will jump onto my finger, and has made some cute little noises. He's explored his cage and decided he likes the arbutus branches at the top, so I put a bowl up there with food. I'm just worried he's going to overeat or he's a nervous eater or something.
Why would sitting on your shoulder ruin your bond? As long as he wasnt biting there is no problem letting a bird on your shoulder. If he starts biting then he shouldnt be allowed up there anymore.As for the eating, he is a baby lol let him eat, hes probably hungry from the ride home and all the excitement. It sounds like you have a well socialized little baby on your hands. This is exactly how Pumpkin acted too on his first day home and he has been a complete sweet heart from day one. Relax. Enjoy your new baby! Ohh and i would LOVE to see pics if you get the chance! I love the gccs!

Ohh... what are you going to name her?
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Good to know. Thank you. I'm just so worried about everything right now. He's bitten my once, but I think it was by accident as he was eating millet and a little piece fell over my finger and he went to eat it but accidentally got my finger. He keeps trying to fly onto my bed right now, and I'm just really enjoying his antics. He's really a sweet birdy.
I'll post pictures later after I transfer them from my cell. I was originally told by the breeder that he was a she, but DNA test came back that he's a he. I wanted to call him Draco, but unfortunately it didn't roll off the tongue. His name is Mochi, which is great cause I can call him Mochi-Ball, or Mochers, and a ton of other nicknames. It's ridiculous how much I love him already.
Haha no problem! I was worried about everything at first too! But its been 7 months and you get to know your bird and stop worrying so much. My gcc is DNAd male as well which i like because i was really worried about egg binding. Mochi is a perfect name i really love it. Pumpkin has several nicknames as well; Punk, Punkers, Punkin'. Lol You havent had Mochi for long, just wait - the love deepens!
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Thanks. I really like Pumpkin :). It's seriously a great name, and such cute nicknames. I was a little worried about egg binding also, so I'm very happy he ended up being male.
I can't wait to see how much we will end up bonding.
Just start off on the right foot. Be proactive and dont let bad habits develop. I spent A LOT of time reading the conure forum and the training and behavior forums. I'm a control freak lol and i wanted to have a plan for as many potential problems as necessary. Im not saying go that far, but it will help to be aware of what to keep an eye out for and an idea of how to handle it or where to look for answers. There are several old threads i found that i have revisited a few times for info and ideas.

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