Help with layout and lighting


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Bubba (budgie)
Mango (budgie)
Banjo (GCC)
I am having trouble with a stacked cage setup and would love any help or ideas to improve my birdies living situation.

I have a double Critter Nation cage. The top unit houses my two budgies Bubba and Mango, they are tame but prefer to be IN their cage rather than out, so we placed them up to where they'd have the better lighting since they'd be cage bound most of the time. We take them out but they go right back in.

The bottom cage is for our new GCC Banjo, he's out with us when we get home till bedtime, he goes in on his own when he's hungry or thirsty.

As you can see by the picture, he's in the darker of the two. We leave the sliding patio door curtains all day and the ceiling light. We don't want to put them closer to the window due to drafts. We got a fluorescent wall mountable light but it's too "cold" feeling and adds a lot of shadows in the cage and makes it seem darker even though there's more light.

Any suggestions or bird lights I can buy. Online or in store? We want our buddy to have light!


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As long as your birds are healthy, a draft is not going to kill them. A draft is simply a movement of air within an enclosed space that may be different to the rest of the air in the enclosed area.

I've put birds partially in front of windows (including windows that were open), I've put them in front of the air vents in a car, and even near a heater vent/register in the floor. (more so from a lack of a better area for the cage that only fits against two walls).

If you think moving the cage to another area may help provide more light to the bottom cage, then why not?

Likewise, you could also use a piece of acrylic or plexiglass cut to fit the cage and use that in the budgies area. You'd just have to wipe it down frequently!

Or...... figure out a way to mount a long light fixture 13+ inches away from the cage and attach it vertically.

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