help with flying to heads


New member
Sep 9, 2012
I just picked up my congo african grey momo, and he has a terrible habit of flying on heads, shoulders and on top of cages / places above the head. This is from the breeder letting him do that. And now it is the only place he wants to sit.

Treat training or anything else he just keeps trying to get up there and won't concentrate on what I am doing.

Does anyone have any advice on how to stop this? or is it just time? I hold his foot to say, you are not allowed to do that but he keeps trying and if he ever does, I take him straight off

He was being insistent so I just put him back in his cage. And am getting him back out now.

Please help in any way you can :)
I would suggest that anytime he lands somewhere that you dont want him to, that you immediately remove him and place him where you want him to land. Just keep doing this over and over and eventually he will learn. I wouldn't place him in the cage when he does this though, it could be seen as him getting punished for coming to you. Thats def something that you dont want. He doesn't know hes not supposed to be there. Its just going to take repetition and time, he will eventually get it. You also need to offer him a place to land. If he takes off put your arm out and try to teach him to land there. Or I would also get a few stands that he can fly between, put treats and fun toys on the to make them more enticing than on top of the cage. Birds naturally like to be in high places, its an instinctual thing. The higher they are the safer they are. Once he gets more comfortable with everything he will probably spend more time in lower areas.
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Thanks for the reply, it is a little stressful with the beginning stages. I have got him to stop biting and nibbling, but getting him clicker trained is hard with his flying. He seems comfortable when he is perched or on a head.

So I started doing it while perched then while on my hand and still fluffed.

He seems most likely to fly when you sit down. Which it seems more like he is scared and is why he is doing it.

I always took him off and always put my hand out and "catch him" as he tries to land on my head with him instead landing on my finger. He did 4 or 5 laps around my room multiple times trying to land on my head. I am going to go as far back to basics as possible with him.

Ahhh this is stressful ! I don't want to screw it up. At least he doesn't bite now.
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I guess I will keep catching him, slowly clicker train and give it time ( I am impatient, especially when worried)
Some birds hate hats try a cheap hardhat from Home depot its hard plastic and he won't be able to land there after a while he will stop trying.

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