Help with baby raven

Last night while I was at work the bird managed to get into the neighbors backyard. Same one the other 2 fledglings are in.

No one saw how it did this but best guess is it did it in stages. there is stuff leaning against the fence and it could have jumped/hopped up and then over.

At this point it may be best to let it stay with it's siblings but I still think it's at a disadvantage, not being as far along in development.

I set out some food for the parents (2 hot dogs chopped up in to small bite sized pieces and a piece of birdie bread) in the hopes that they may feed some of it to ALL the fledglings. I have seen the parents eating some of the food. They are staying close to their babies to help protect them so they have not had the chance to do much foriging for their own food let alone for the offspring.

keeping my fingers crossed.


Raven with full crop by wes mcfaden, on Flickr

After a visit with the neighbors my friend came back over to show me his/her full crop (of hot dogs).

I think my job here is done.:35: :angel-smi

I left this photo on the large size so you can see the remains of the baby formula around the beak. there is no doubt this is the bird I was hand feeding.

It will be interesting to see if it will be more friendly towards me than the average raven. Maybe I should have put a leg marker on it.

Well, Ravens are supposed to be extremely intelligent, so escape is not a surprise! Your efforts may have been the perfect answer to the question of how far to interfere. Hopefully the baby got a jump-start and will catch-up with development.

Love, love, love that image, Wes! Hope it will find its way into a POTM contest!
Perhaps you have a new friend for life!
It is with a heavy heart I have to report on the passing of the baby raven.

I visited him last evening to check on him. I noticed a unpleasant smell around him and fly's were circling and landing on him.

I said my goodbye to him knowing it would be my last.

There must have been something seriously wrong with him, something food alone could not fix.

attached is a photo of one of his siblings that is doing well and learning to fly.

sibling by wes mcfaden, on Flickr
Been following this thread did your best that's for sure..Sad the little guy didn't make it,unfortunately,thats nature for you :02:


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