help what should i do!!!!!!!


May 30, 2013
Nottingham uk
2 tiels,
molly~1 year old
tinker bell~3 year old
hi parrot fans,:blue1::red1::blue::red:
i just got a mistreated male cockatiel called tinker. The woman how i got him from never cleaned out his cage so he was dirty he had no clean food or water so he is skinny he was never let out the cage so his flight feathers were all suck and hard he was in a cage with a budgie who bullied him and pulled out nearly all of his crest feathers because he was so dirty he never cleaned himself, he is soooo scared of people and flys of if you come close to him i have let him out the cage every day but he will not go back in in less you grab him which is hard and he bites and draws blood as his beak is sharp as he had no cuttle bone all my fingers and covered in bird bites ow!
all so i have seen that he has blood in the middle of his chest and there's cut there but its so hard and in crusted in blood so its hard to see but i think its swollen i don't no how it was caused but it was all ready there when i got him
twice already he has crashed into wall and caused himself to have a nose bleed i feel so sorry for him!
my female cockatiel molly has tried to preen him but he wont let her. also when i go close to the cage he flaps about in side and i am worried because i don't want him to brake a blood feather! :eek:
i have given him a shower (with he did not like ) and he is eating i have had him more that a week now and i don't no what to do ! :confused::grey:
first of thanks for saving him! second DONT LET HIM NEAR YOUR BIRDS!! Any new bird should be quarantined for 30 days or seen by a vet before you let it anywhere near your other birds especially one in filthy conditions! I would take him to the vet for a checkup ASAP. Get him a checkup from the vet an get the wound checked and get his wings clipped! Please keep us updated and probably best since you just got him not to interact with him for a few days.
Everyone is going to let you know that taking in this bird is a wonderful thing - because it is. You're giving him a great chance at a better life. The first thing I would do is just slow things down. He doesn't have to immediately be out of his cage or trust you yet. Give him time. Right now it sounds like the safest place for him is inside his cage.

I'm not sure, but I'm hoping he hasn't split his chest open. I'm thinking not since you said he already had the cut before you got him. I would have quarantined him for about a month before introducing him to your cockatiel. Right now you need to take him to a vet asap. Once you've done that hopefully the members on the forum can help guide you in dealing with his behavioral issues.
The first thing to do is schedule a veterinary appointment for him.....if he has mutilated himself & opened a chest wound, there very well could be other health issues that will need to be addressed.....

Then, giving him a good bath might be advisable...even though he may not like it.....I don't know what dishwashing liquid might be used in the U.K., but in the U.S., the suggested product is a product called is a non-perfumed, non-allergenic solution, preferred when cleaning birds fouled with oil & other petroleum products.....

It's too bad that you have allowed your other 'tiel to interact with him before a veterinarian has looked him over.....because of his unkempt condition, he well could have mites or other parasites, not to mention contractible illnesses.....

The reason he shies away from you is that he does not know you or his new surroundings yet.....if you were to quit trying to chase/catch him & simply talk gently to him, he will eventually seek your attention...maybe not tomorrow or maybe not even next week, but seeing you & your other bird interact is going to make him interested in being part of the flock too.....

Good luck.....
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hi thanks for the info i couldn't quarantine him because i don't have two cages i don't think he has mites as far as i can see...i am going to take him to the vet tomorrow i only realised how bad it was today! because got him in a jumper to have a look (and save my hands) he may of done it too himself but i don't think he could inflicted THAT amount of damage.
i don't think he is ill because he is eating and his droppings are normal but he may be ill.
he has stopped flying into thinks so i don't think he needs his wings clipped.
i am hoping he hasn't split his chest but you never no!!

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