Help w/3 month Quaker


New member
Sep 16, 2019
4 days ago I brought home a 3 month Quaker Parrot as my Quaker of 7years died of old age I was not the first owner. We bonded straight away she's a very loving Parrot. I taught her up when she was on the floor. She wants to come out of her cage but retreats when I approach. The only way I can get her out is to take her out she does not bite. Once out she's cuddles to my cheek and give me kisses. I don't think I should keep taking her out. Please Help
A warm welcome to you and your young Quaker. My deepest condolences for the passing of your previous bird.

Please know you are in the early "honeymoon" phase and will enjoy best results working at your Quaker's pace. I am not familiar with the species, but you'll find much helpful advice from some of our time honored threads:
If needed:

You're sure to receive tips from our Quaker-servant members! If not, consider posting specific questions in the Quaker Forum. Keep us updated, and pics are always welcome!!
Welcome to you and your Quaker!!!
I'm sorry you lost your previous buddy.
As you know many Quakers are very possessive of their cage, but back to sweet babies away from the cage. You can attach a perch to the door if it swings open, or just outside the door on the outside of cage if it doesn't. Then it's easier to get them to step up sweetly that way.
Quakers are smart wonderful parrots. But sometimes it takes some work patience and bribes of food to win them over..
Typically their life span is into their twenties.
They like veggies and leafy greens, red hot chili peppers are hit with all my parrots. As are bell peppers and other peppers. Fruits less often and done good ones are plums, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, mango, pomegranate.
Congratulations again on your new one.

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