I need help training a 1.5yr old painted conure to stop or at least calm down on the contact calls when I am in another room.
I have had him for 6 months. A friend decided she could not care for him properly, so I decided to try with him before she just handed him off to anyone (I have had a couple GC in the past).
He is so sweet and VERY quiet but as soon as I go to another room he will contact call endlessly. I live in an apartment and while I have permission to have him, he needs to learn to stop that when I am in another room or neighbors will complain. He is quiet when I actually leave the apartment- for some reason it's only when I am in the bedroom or bathroom that he does this.
I have tried calling back to him, and also waiting for him to be quiet (even for a second) and coming back out to reassure him. It has not helped. Advice? I do not want to give up on him and I know he's young. But, circumstances are tight for me here. Thank you guys.
I need help training a 1.5yr old painted conure to stop or at least calm down on the contact calls when I am in another room.
I have had him for 6 months. A friend decided she could not care for him properly, so I decided to try with him before she just handed him off to anyone (I have had a couple GC in the past).
He is so sweet and VERY quiet but as soon as I go to another room he will contact call endlessly. I live in an apartment and while I have permission to have him, he needs to learn to stop that when I am in another room or neighbors will complain. He is quiet when I actually leave the apartment- for some reason it's only when I am in the bedroom or bathroom that he does this.
I have tried calling back to him, and also waiting for him to be quiet (even for a second) and coming back out to reassure him. It has not helped. Advice? I do not want to give up on him and I know he's young. But, circumstances are tight for me here. Thank you guys.