Help! Screaming Parrot.


New member
Mar 10, 2014
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So, sometimes my parrot is screaming. It sounds really weird, i think it's sick. Any help? :)
I have captured video. -
Sorry for background sounds, it was TV.
[ame=]Parrot talking really weird. - YouTube[/ame]

I help you posted it's nothing unusual....sounds like a regular parakeet chirping away to me! Your baby is molting into adulthood right now so I say he's about 5-6 months old????
What do you mean by "screaming"? I don't hear any screaming:confused:... I just hear a perfectly normal Budgie making Budgie sounds.

I was ready to hear ear splitting cockatoo noise or something!
Just a lonely parakeet talking to himself in a mirror. If he's on a healthy diet, eating well, and not sneezing, he should be fine.
I was expecting screaming too :) we have a male budgie and would be so happy if Cam kept to a low garble.... can't tell by video what color the cere is, but if he is a boy, he will only noisier!! I posted in another thread my budgie makes more noise then the cockatoo and sun combined!!

Your little one looks healthy just looking to talk to someone, did you interact with him often?our Cam loves when anyone chats with him!!
n'aww he sounds cute! I've certainly met noisier budgies then that, I'm not sure I heard him call or scream at any point?

I can only second other people and say he sounds good, just maybe play with him :)

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