Help Please !


New member
Mar 22, 2014
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Middle East, Saudi Arabia
I'm an owner of a Female Congo African Grey, Lucy ^.^
Hi !
I'm really worried about my Grey. She is thin, and of the age of around a year and half as her eyes were "complete" when I got her, she maybbe older IDK. Anyhow, its been like around 2 months that she started laying on the floor of her cage but it was usually like for around half an hour or an hour maximum. For the last week or so I'm finding her laying down on her cages' floor for two to four hours. She lays down after a sequence of events. Its usually after I put her inside of her cage, she would climb to a corner of the cage and hand there for some time, moving her toys onto the cage to make some noise as she wants to stay out and after some time she would go to the floor and either rest her head on her back, or lay her head on the floor. I'm really worried as after I searched google, most people say that it would have to be an urgent vet visit. But the biggest problem of all is that there are NO proper avian vets around my entire province. I also think of trimming her wings but would that be a big problem as she doesn't eat properly. Continue... =>>
The problem of her not eating properly has been the case since I've got her which was around 8 months ago. I tried every good and recommended fruit, vegie, pellet and so on. It not like she is not eating but not enough. Please I'm really in need of help, she is very dear to me and I don't want to lose my dear friend.
Sam, I'm sorry Lucy is ill. The symptoms you are describing sound very serious. As much as we'd like to help, we are not qualified to determine what is causing your Lucy to be sick. I have to agree, your bird needs to see an Avian specialist as soon as possible. I would keep her warm and offer her soft food that is easy to digest, maybe pellets softened in water, make her as comfortable as possible, but that alone isn't going to make her well.

I wouldn't clip her wings until her health issues are resolved. That could cause more stress that she doesn't need right now.

I wish you and Lucy the best. Please let us know how she's doing.
I'm heart broken now, anyhow, I think I'm gonna go see all vets in the city and maybe and ohhh i wish to find a good avian vet, although I'm really sad to say and hope to be proven wrong, that there aren't any avian vets. "((

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