help please..


New member
Dec 3, 2012
I have a green redneck parrot named disco.It is almost 3 months old.We bought it when it was only 6 days.After a month we found another injured parrot who couldn't fly.We showed him to a vet who inreturn told us that it won't be able to fly at all.We keep both the parrots in different cages as they don't get along.

Disco is really close to me and doesn't like to stay in the cage much. Recently I have noticed that some balds spots have started to appear on his head along his ear and eye section. Those areas are pretty visible now.Though some feathers have started to grow back near it's beak.Still what worried me is that it continuously scratches itself with it's feet or is always cleaning itself.We live in a very cold area and I have tried giving him a bath but he doesn't like it much and gets scared.Please suggest me what to do.I am really worried.

As for his daily diet:
I give him raw rice
Apple now and then
and peas
I don't know if it's the cause of the problem or not, but either way he could use a little more variety in his diet... lots of different vegetables (eg broccoli, corn, sweet potato, spinach, red capsicum etc etc), and some parrot pellets (which have a whole range of nutrients in them specifically for parrots), maybe some sprouted seed if you can? (it's VERY easy to sprout your own seed when you know how, just google it - sprouted seed are packed full of nutrients). A more varied diet will help him nutritionally even if it's not the cause of his scratching.
I too have an indian ringneck, Edmund who is very independent and and only goes into his cage at night. I also have a B&G who, at times tries to chase him, but Edmund can run faster, Thank God.

Set aside time for each bird, but by all means keep the birds seperated and show Disco more attention, keep a daily log for two weeks to determine his behavior with the activities, for example, let him perch on your shoulder/head and let him ride with you when your doing stuff around the home, kiss his beak and baby talk also works. Toys and mirrors are a must. Edmund loves his ball (cat ball w/a bell) he takes it everywhere with him. For food, I incorporate purple grapes, mixed veggies, pasta, plus anything healthy that I eat, he is there on my plate. Normal diet is Zupreem, Harrisons Pepper Coarse, Lafeber Nutri Berries, couple peanuts. Gage Disco after two weeks to determine next course of action. By all means get a good avian vet too. I wish u luck.

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