HELP PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE !!! Need get my baby out of CHINA !!!!


New member
Oct 6, 2014

I need information about exporting my Baby Talon an African Grey to anywhere from CHINA !!!

Can anyone help me to get a list of WHERE HE can be taken ???

PLEASE I have tired and tried !!!

I work and live in China but honestly I have been here 10 years and I want to leave sometime soon. few years are ok also.

I was told Canada was possible ???

I am in International Educational Leadership and can move anywhere there is a school ;-)


Please help me make a list of places I can apply for jobs ! I have couple offers in china now...

QSI is interested in hiring me now... I would work in China but I could transfer other countries later. They happen to have 36 schools around the world. are any of these places possible ?

LIST HERE... Quality Schools International

I can not leave here without him, he is mated to me and we are soul mates. I was sick and even had a stroke here in China and well, he was there for me and frankly I love him and I would remain here if I had too !!!!

PLEASE HELP and SHARE and Help me get a list of safe places he can go and then I could bring him back to the USA or EUROPE !!!

I would like to work in Germany or Switzerland or other.

PLEASE HELP and this will be ongoing until I can find answers !!!

Why the USA will not let me bring him in if I had him properly checked here and there and so on ??? I get all the mess with avian but he and I do not have it and frankly they let people travel with Avian Flu and Swine Flu !!!!


THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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