Help please! Level of urgency: 3 out of 10


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Lilo - Female Green Cheek Conure ~ Pal - male cockatiel ~ Pheobe - female cockatiel
Ok it isn't about a birds health. But the smell in the bird room! Gah! I need help! What can mask the smell but doesn't hurt the birds? Thanks! :rainbow1: :green2:
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Ok, I did put a scented candle in there... I know they are bad for the fids. So I will keep them in a different room for the night and air the room out tomorrow. Now my question is, how long should the fids be out of the room?
Curious why the bird room smells/what the offensive odor is? I've never known parrots to be particularly stinky creatures (except amazons, but their musty smell should BE a scent for a candle:D)
Hm, you may need a thorough clean. I have a bottle of water with a few drops if lavender essential oil on it that I sometimes spritz my curtains with if company is coming (in case the smell of vinegar from my cleaning is still in the air), but that wouldn't be strong enough to really cover a scent. I agree that something must be causing it... Dropped veggie that has rotted, perhaps?
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I dot know. It started when I was vacuuming the room yesterday and the vacuum started smelling like burnt rubber. Both bird were in the room so I had to quickly get them out! I opened the windows upstairs in rooms across the bird room and the window in the bird room. After that it never smelled the same. And I cant quite describe it.
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Good idea Puck with the lavender and water! It may be a veggie or fruit who is hiding out under or behind shelves and boxes... Oh boy, it sounds like its detective smell time...
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Well, I looked in the places where Sonic hangs out and eureka! A pile of ew smelling vegetables! Gah! ew it smelled horrid. But there may be more, onward with the search!
Well, I looked in the places where Sonic hangs out and eureka! A pile of ew smelling vegetables! Gah! ew it smelled horrid. But there may be more, onward with the search!

Glad you found the (hopefully only) source of the offensive odor!
Curious why the bird room smells/what the offensive odor is? I've never known parrots to be particularly stinky creatures (except amazons, but their musty smell should BE a scent for a candle:D)

HAHAHA :18: When I read this it really struck me as being funny, and I have to tell you I nearly sprayed out a bunch of food from my mouth that I was munching on while reading! The laughter caught me by surprise :52:.
Ps.. You can add Pionus to the candle scents too. They have the same type of musk as Amazons that they puff out. Don and I tell Raven he's stinky!
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I'm glad you figured it out. Usually birds and their surroundings don't smell.
Slice an apple and place the slices in an oven pan.

Sprinkle cinnamon on Apple slices and bake at 350 for about 8-10 minutes.

Makes the whole house smell good.
It helped when my daughter burned popcorn.
Curious why the bird room smells/what the offensive odor is? I've never known parrots to be particularly stinky creatures (except amazons, but their musty smell should BE a scent for a candle:D)

I agree, birds usually do not have a smell nor dose the room ever smell, unless of course one of the dogs fart in the bird room......

I blame the dogs, the dogs blame the birds....that's why the dogs get bit on their hieny from the
The jury is still out (and arguing furiously) on whether or not birds can fart, and it is important because if they cannot then gassy foods become dangerous to them.

I agree that if the bird room smell there is a cleaning issue; glad you found it! HOWEVER, if your vacuum starts to smell like burned rubber usually that is because rubber is burning in the vacuum, like a belt is breaking or something, at least in my experience :) but yeah, a hidden pile of rotting produce; been there, smelled that! Lol. Please shy away from the candle next time though, the scent can linger in the air even after you can no longer smell it. Also, along these lines NEVER USE FABREEZE. I don't even allow it into the house, it is very dangerous to birds.
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Hello again, all veggies have been removed and now it smells like it always does... Before it was the bird room, it was the pet room. It has had 1 snake 1 geco 2 gerbils 5 fish 1 rat 6 chicken babies and 1 rabbit... now 5 birds later ( I had three birds before my current one, two budgies and one cockatiel.) So this room smells great and it is carpeted! Yay... So thank you for the above posters for the smelling good ideas! Sounds tasty! :)

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