HELP My parrot has a missing toe


New member
Feb 22, 2014
I have a mealy amazon
My parrot has a missing toes please have a look will it grow back


THANKS :green2: :green1: :green: :red:
Is hard to tell. How many toes does he have? They don't grow back, but they live a perfectly normal life if they have a toe missing. It shouldn't hamper his movement at all really. Has he been to an avian vet?
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Is hard to tell. How many toes does he have? They don't grow back, but they live a perfectly normal life if they have a toe missing. It shouldn't hamper his movement at all really. Has he been to an avian vet?
Nope he hasn't been to a vet I am going to take him to a animal nurse
He should have four toes on each foot. If he doesn't, then obviously he's lost one somehow.

It won't bother him, I think. From what I've read, they tend to adapt very nicely and live normal lives, especially if it is only the one toe that's missing.

Is it just the picture angle or is he missing all/most of the claws on that foot too? And the skin on his foot looks a bit scaly which would concern me. I really recommend that you get him to the vet for a full check up just to make sure he is ok.

I can't remember if you've said - how old is he and where did you get him from?

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