Help! My lovebird is twitching and is silent


New member
Jul 5, 2019
Dodo the lovebird
Hey everyone, I tried to cut my bird's nails last night and I accidentally cut the first one too short, it bled, I stopped the bleeding and it didn't reoccur.

However, today the bird was sleepy all day, didn't make a sound, and it's twitching its wings or its entire body sometimes in a weird way. Otherwise it acts normal, it eats, drinks, it lets me pet it and hold it, it doesn't really want to fly too much though.

My vet isn't available until Monday, what could it be? Can I do anything? I'm getting worried.

Tried to upload a video but didn't work. Here it is:
Wing trimming is best left to the Avian Professionals.
As long as the feather does not start bleeding again, your Parrot will survive this event.
Your lovebird 'likely' has some pain and/or discomfort from the overly trimmed feather at or very near its root, which is the likely the cause of the twitching. The silence is likely from the stress of the event as your Parrot rests.
'If' your loverbird will come to you, it maybe helpful to work at redeveloping your trust relationship by comforting your Parrot.
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Wing trimming is best left to the Avian Professionals.
As long as the feather does not start bleeding again, your Parrot will survive this event.
Your lovebird 'likely' has some pain and/or discomfort from the overly trimmed feather at or very near its root, which is the likely the cause of the twitching. The silence is likely from the stress of the event as your Parrot rests.
'If' your loverbird will come to you, it maybe helpful to work at redeveloping your trust relationship by comforting your Parrot.

Thanks, but I didn't do any wing trimming, I just cut one nail and then I gave up after I saw bleeding.

It doesn't seem to feel pain in its foot when I touch it, so I'm not sure if that's the cause, I was afraid I mishandled the poor thing and something else happened with its little body :(

There are no trust issues, everything else is normal except for the twitching and not voicing anything. It's been 2 days, it seems a bit better, but there's still an uncontrollable "jump" from time to time...
Sorry, connected the twitch with Wing Feather clipping, which is common.
Although Parrots do not have as many nerve ending in their legs and claws, they are still there. Understand that as a rule they tend not to display pain as activity /openly as other animals, as it would draw attention to them.
Trimming Feathers and/or nails is best handled by an Avian Professional.
If you're still see a twitch Monday morning, it worth while to see your Avian Vet.

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