Help! Lovebird pulling feathers


New member
Apr 2, 2024
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garlic; xiaofu; cuihua
Hi , I’m new to the forum! Thanks for all your reading and suggestions.

Garlic is my one-and-a-half-year-old female love bird. One day at the end of September last year, she suddenly pulled out all the feathers on her neck and chest, and since then, she has insisted on pulling out the feathers on her neck and chest every day, often with blood. However, her husband Xiaofu is very healthy. We took her to the hospital twice, where she was tested for depression and eventually given an anti-inflammatory spray, mood stabilizer and depression medication, which we have been giving her every day for the last two weeks.
Since childhood, garlic is easy to get mad. After treatment, she is not longer interested in her toys. When she is not biting, she sleeps. What I could do is to touch her head to appease. Sometimes I think, would wearing a collar could really cure her habit? Or will it make her more anxious? Is there anything else we could do to relieve her plucking symptoms?


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We have tried many ways, but unfortunately, Garlic hardly eats any
vegetables or fruits. So we supplement her food with vitamins, calcium and other needed nutrients on a regular basis. The main ingredient in the medication prescribed by the vet is also vitamin B. After the diagnosis, we also cut back on sunflower seeds and flaxseeds, even though these were her favorite foods.

Two weeks ago, she couldn't adjust to the collar at all and barely ate food. Now she adapt to eating with the collar, however, she is still not eating as much as before and now weighs 46g.

I have purchased some new foraging toys for her, hope she will enjoy them.


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