HELP! Jardine's Experts!!


Jul 28, 2011
Jardine's Parrot Abby
CAG Nemo
Hi, I've written before about Abby and her shrill cry. Well, it's been months now and nothing makes her happy or stop. I tried rewarding everytime she makes a different sound, ignoring the screeching, covering her, I've tried everything!! It is 11am now and I am almost to the point of tears... she has not stopped the distressed ear-splitting screech since 8am!!!!!!!! I am leaving the house now just to get a break.

I love her, and strangely she snuggles, lets you pet her, but won't stop that horrible screech, it kills your ear drums. My dad quit coming over because she just is so loud. It is not a normal parrot sound. Hopefully someone can help. Otherwise I will seek an experienced Jardine's person and sell her. It isn't even a screech or call... it's a repetitive like scraping fingernails on a chalkboard. I've had lots of birds and this is completely new to me!!!!!!!:confused:
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Hi Spirit! Thanks! That was the first thing I did. I am really at my wit's end. I just came back an hour ago and she started again.
I'm not sure I can write my thoughts properly... English is my second language, but I'll try...

I don't know if you had any other parrots, when you got the Jardine, but in some of your posts you mention you have a mustache parrot and a Sun Conure..

You also mention that Abby was extremely spoilt by her previous owners and that she's 2 years old.

3 months after you got Abby you get a CAG, who talks and you already get on really, really well...

Abby's screaming seems to have gotten worse, since you got the CAG..

Maybe Abby needs a home, where she's the only bird.. If she lived her first 2 years as one, this could be what she needs...
Do you know how old she is? She might be going through Puberty. If you don't know what it is, I suggest you try to research on that.

So I would first want to give you some tips. Have you ever thought of giving her feather toys? Try going to a store and you would most likely find one. Most of them LOVE them these toys and will help them close their beak!

So entertainment can do the trick but food can be the other trick too. Get a couple of boxes and hide healthy delicious safe food for them! Try hiding the box in challenging places. Then, once they see the treat, they would most likely go after them. After that, you can have some peace.

Good luck!:D
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HI Lene! I had the Sun in Costa Rica, could not bring it back to U.S. You are right though, she has gotten worse since the CAG joined the family. I do hate to give her up though!! This weekend I worked alot with her and very patiently each time she screamed covered her until she stopped and then gave her a treat. It seems to help although it is too soon to tell. I have even been looking around for a behavior spe******t that might have tips.

Maybe (I hope) she will get used to her new family .... I'm going to keep asking for help and trying everything before I give up!!
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Thanks Freshy! I've tried all of your ideas. I only have two birds right now but enough toys for 10. Plus what is in boxes to be rotated, plus stuff to build new toys.

There are play stands in my house, the porch and climbing ladders all over the place. Basically I live in an aviary as another large bird LOL. Thanks for your suggestions!
how quiet is your house??

though this might not work, nuts not a screamer, but she does do shrill calls when we are in the house an she is in her cage, unless the telly is on, we only have the telly on quiet?
Does she get the same amount of attention as before you got your CAG?
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HI, as far as noise, my house is quiet. I live alone, I usually have the radio on unless I am studying. All three of us watch TV in the eve for about an hour.

And the attention... I've been careful to greet Abby first and then Nemo. Abby gets a little more attention because I don't want her to resent Nemo. Both now are at the point they will share the stand on the porch and while they don't really interact, they don't shy away from each other.

Both are at breakfast with me, Nemo just watches and Abby (as usual) helps herself to whatever she likes.

Yesterday the screeching was almost zero, today she did it, but stopped after 1/2 hr (a record!!!)..

I'm working very hard at changing her habits gently, with everyone's advice and everything else I can research... She is a sweetheart really, just like a kid with a behavior issue.
Steph, I dfinitely am not a Jardine's Expert, but have experience with screamers.

Had a Sun Conure once, he was given to me. Let me tell you that bird could scream. I tried everything, even got another sun conure....Big Mistake....Now had 2 screamers. I couldn't even sit on my back porch & have my morning coffee. That was my favorite place. I first started to just walk away, that didn't work, so for some reason i started to whisper whenever i talked to them, of course they had to shut up in order to hear what i was saying, after awhile i noticed they were screaming less so i started to give them an almond for good bird behavior until I could sit by their cage & enjoy my coffee with 2 very well behaved sun conures. It did take a few months but was worth it in the end & was such a pleasure to be able to sit with them without the noise.

Steph keep doing what is working for you, reinforce the acceptable behavior & extinguish the undesirable.

Some of my parrots get a bit more vocal around breeding season. So that might be worth taking note of.
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Well, today Abby, while still screeching... it seemed less loud?!... I think.. or I'm getting used to it. (I don't think so) She and I and Nemo have a routine, after work I kiss her, then Nemo then they kiss each other. She kissed Nemo and then came and snuggled with me - something she never did even before Nemo. I have to say again, she is not mean at all... it's hard on me because she seems frightened when she yells....

Without actually talking about it, it's hard to type. BUT, I think the biggest issue is I need to be patient because I basically have two birds that are new to me and now new to themselves and this house and the routine.

What really helps me is reading all of your advice on the forums and the personal help you all give.

I'm just going to keep reminding myself we have 3 different personalities here all living under one roof. And the only rule is no one can "kick the other out of the house":green1::grey:
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Thanks Pedro!!!

I had a wonderful Sun in Costa Rica... who only did his call in the am and pm... but he was unusual because I took him to work with me and when at home he flew free outside until the evening when he went to his cage. He now is a screamer because I had to leave him with friends who have 6 Suns themselves. He is very well cared for but now lives in an aviary situation with his peers and when I visit he does not seem to recognize me.

But, that aside, thanks for your advice, it certainly helps!!!! Steph

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