Help Help Help please please....


New member
May 19, 2014
Hello All,

I your expert suggestions.
I am noticing one of my bird an alexandrian parrot is not feeling well.
He is breathing heavily.
Very often breathing with mouth open.
Sneezing in interval of 10-15min.

Please please help...
Don't know whether i can upload the videos or not but i have...
im fairly new to the parrot world, but it sounds like you should take him to the vet as soon as possible! Better safe than sorry!
Is he hot? Sometimes birds 'pant' when overheated.
He needs to see a vet though if he's showing symptoms. None of us can do anything over the internet , he could need immediate treatment. Birds tend to go downhill fast.
Best of luck.
Yes i have seen them "pant" when hot or very frightened, not sure about the sneezing. Your best bet is to get him to a vet.
Get thee to a vet. None of us are qualified to diagnose this. If you wait, the bird could die.
Get him warm and cozy until you can take him to the vet. Is he eating and drinking and playing as normal? Is he tail bobbing?
If he's sneezing, definitely take him to the vet. He might just be panting because he's hot, but it's better to play it safe and have him checked out by a professional. Good luck & I hope your baby feels better soon.
Hi there, I know you're in India... Another member there had a very sick bird, and I remember she really had a hard time finding a vet who did little more than guess about birds.

If you find this to be the case, how about contacting any zoos, bird parks, universities which may have a zoological department and ask where/how you can see someone who knows enough about exotic birds. I hope you're able to get help asap!
Yes, only a vet can treat your bird properly. Until you can find one, keep the bird warm and quiet and allow him to eat and drink normally. Watch what he does so you can tell the vet when he asks. If you can't find a vet, there's not much help anyone can give you, I'm afraid. There's no medicine that will help and no magic herbs or foods that will improve a sick bird's condition.

As Julie suggested, a zoo or wildlife park or university might be helpful. Or a professional bird breeder?

Best of luck with your poor birdie. I hope he recovers quickly for you!

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