Help - bird not eating


New member
Jul 24, 2013
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Hello. I have a sick lovebird. No, I cannot take him to the vet because we are in unexpected financial hardship for the next couple of weeks and unless there is a vet out there with a payment plan that requires absolutely no initial payment and no payments for several weeks, I cannot take my bird to the vet.

Kiwi is about 3 months old and has virtually stopped eating over the last couple of days. I had him on a zupreem/seed combo diet, now he won't eat that or even any of his usual favorites like eggs or potatoes, he will barely even touch millet. He is looking very thin now and the bone in his chest is very sharp. He droops his wings often and his feathers are starting to look tattered. Today I noticed the feathers above his nostrils looked wet -I've read rhinitis can be from a vitamin deficiency which is probably from not eating. He is not showing any signs of respiratory distress that I can tell, and he is still pretty active although his behavior has gotten erratic. He does not fluff up much but he often shivers/tremors. He will pace quickly around his cage sometimes making abnormal, loud and rapid squawks, doing backflips etc and just acting strange and hyper. He also also gotten more bitey and difficult. I called the pet store I got him from and they said I could come pick up a bird antibiotic, which it turns out is just doxycycline hyclate which I already have. I read up on dosing it for birds and mixed about 0.5 mg into 5 ml of warm mixed bird formula I have had since hand-feeding him as a baby, and sort of force-fed him and was able to get the majority of the syringe in him. I plan on doing this twice a day. He did swallow slowly while I was feeding him, athough not in the standard baby-being-fed way and I had to hold his head still because he would try to refuse the syringe. I am hoping to keep him from getting too malnourished and get some medicine in him. So far he has not regurgitated. I plan on doing this twice a day.

I know his problem could be a number of things... bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic, but I am taking a stab at it in case it is bacterial because I don't know what else to do. Please don't bash me for being an inadequate bird owner, like I said this sudden financial difficulty was unexpected and is temporary and it is unfortunate the bird got sick during this time. I am unable to get a cash advance or any funding to pay for a vet. If anyone has any constructive feedback, like ideas about what might be the cause or what else I can do, please reply.
are you in GA by any chance I will take him to the vet for you and you can pay me back afterwards. If not you really do need to get him to the vet even if that means surrendering him to a rescue who will then take him.
I'm in FL. Will a rescue take him to a vet right away? Is there any way I could re-adopt him later? Sounds stupid and probably not but I could pay the vet fees too.

EDIT: The only parrot rescue anywhere near me has a waiting list of 9-12 months to take any more birds...
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Okay, I understand it's stressful but I must stress the importance of vet insurance of a credit card that is used purely for vet bills. I'll say no more on the matter as it wont help you now, but it's something you NEED to have for situations like this.

Are you sure your bird is sick and hasn't just reverted to needing to be back to hand fed?
I normally have a credit card for emergencies but it's maxed out right now.
I don't think he is reverting to needing to be hand fed because he is not very receptive of the formula.
I normally have a credit card for emergencies but it's maxed out right now.
I don't think he is reverting to needing to be hand fed because he is not very receptive of the formula.

Well that's what I'm saying - ONLY for vet bills. Car breaks, the works, it doesn't get touched because it's for vet bills. I don't want to debate it right now because I know you're skint and there's nothing fore sight or kicking yourself or anything will do right now.

Have you been trying him on hand feeding formula then? You said he's not very receptive, but he's having some at least?
Also, what bird is Kiwi? I might have missed your other posts about him, sorry. Oop, just reread the opening, lovebird, goddit!
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I posted about him when I first got him but my accounts keep getting banned and I have no idea why. I have only made one thread and do not spam or anything. I don't know who to contact about it, I mentioned it in a post in my past thread that I made as penguin (my post usernames have been penguin, penguin88, penguin25) but nobody responded to that post. if I don't reply again it's because I've been banned again and I appreciate if someone would contact an admin for me because I have no idea why this is happening. this is my fourth or fifth account and is the second time I've had to create a new email address to sign up. there just aren't any other active parrot forums.

Ikiwi takes the formula but didn't do the newborn gobbling reaction, if I can get the syringe in his mouth (which is hard since he squawks and avoids it) he will slowly swallow a bit at a time, but some of it drips etc.

I an hoping he will improve soon with the formula and antibiotics, although he looks sickly I don't think it is dire yet as he is chattering and playing in his cage right now.
God I wish my head wasn't mushy right now, sorry. I DID read the opening paragraph, just Ii have brainfog with my illness and apparently didn't take it in.

Since you seem to be doing all you can, formula, vitamins, etc. The only thing asides from seeing a vet is to keep him warm, in a quiet and darkish type place. If you're familiar with sinus flushes, I'd perhaps suggest that too...

Is there no chance in the world you can maybe get an overdraft, an extra credit card, a loan, money from friends/family?

Or even contact vets about paying later and have someone be a gaurentor for payments if you can't keep up with the payments? Ii also think there's something like a care card, or something? Maybe our American folk can chime in.
Also, I don't know about American vets, but when I had Merlin rushed in when he was sickly, he had his assessment and prescribed meds which came to about £40 which is about $61. I don't know 'how much' you can afford (I appreciate it's very little, but since you've bought yourself antibiotics for him, etc) then maybe you would be better ringing vets, explaining, getting a quote from them and seeing what they say? Advice over the phone about caring for him during this time is generally always free.
Also, again sorry if I've missed it, what are his droppings like?
I'm afraid I can't stay around for much longer, it's 1am here and I have a chronic fatigue based illness. I will stop by on the thread asap, hoping some of you USA folks can chime in some with better responses regarding vets/cash.

Oh, here in the UK we also can get 'payday' loans. Which are basically high interest, but fast loans that we have up to 31(or so) days to repay. Don't know if that's an option for you.
Thanks so much for the responses. I looked into getting a cash advance and I can get up to $200 but I'd have to pay it back on my payday, which will only be enough to cover my rent with $10 left over. I have an inheritance coming through and am actually going to be buying a small business with it, but that won't be until some time next month and I can't get any loans or cash advances for it. I only have about $120 for food etc to make it through the next 3 weeks or so, and am not even going to be paying my phone bill in a few days so it will be shut off. It's a really crappy situation, and our car got repo'd so we don't even have transportation. My boyfriend lost his job and his car very suddenly and unexpectedly recently and money is always tight, and it's going to be hard taking care of ourselves and especially me since I am 5 months pregnant, until the inheritance comes in. Sorry to post a rant/sob story it's just very stressful right now and a sick bird is just one more thing I wish we didn't have to worry about. It's a weird point in my life, a lot of excitement as I will be getting my first ever personal car next month and have made a deposit on the business we are purchasing, but these next few weeks are going to be very hard.

Also vets here are pretty pricey, and it seems like none of the budget-friendly vets take any pets besides dogs and cats. I took Kiwi to a vet for a basic checkup about a month and a half ago when he was weaning, and it cost me $55 for the vet to just look at him and weigh him. When you get testing and medicine the bill usually runs like $150-200+ from what I hear, so it's no small amount of money to ask for. I think maybe most of his symptoms are from malnourishment, if only I knew what was going on that he lost his appetite. Hopefully it comes back with the antibiotics and hopefully the maqlnourishment symptoms improve with the formula.

I should have a reptile heat lamp around somewhere, I'll put that on his cage. I have a heating pad too that I could use but not on his cage, if I had an extra fish tank around I could use it. I'll try to keep him warm but I don't know how important it is atm because he is not showing signs of being cold (fluffing etc). I'll try finding ways to get kiwi to the vet and keep up with the formula and doxycycline in the meantime.... I actually didn't purchase it for the bird, I had some already, and when I found out it was exactly what the pet store was trying to sell me, I just decided to use the stuff I already had. I'll keep you guys updated on him. I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed that whatever is going on is bacterial and that he'll start improving soon.

His droppings are a solidish dark clump with a spatter of white. They seem pretty normal, maybe a little dryer than normal, maybe he is dehydrated? He is also pooing noticeably less which I assume is because he isn't eating much.
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And update. It looks like maybe I am lucky (if anything related to a sick animal can be lucky) and maybe kiwi's issues are bacterial. He definitely doesn't seem any worse, and he ate quite a bit of millet yesterday. I have another millet spray in his cage now that he is eating at the moment. His food in his food dish also looks like it has been eaten more. I read that birds respond quickly to antibiotics and begin improving in about 24-72 hours. Hopefully that's what's going on. I've also read that they need a long antibiotics course, like 45 days, so that's what I am planning. If he continues eating more I will probably start cutting back the amount of formula I am giving him as last time I did it he was not very receptive, and just start dosing the antibiotics alone orally.

He has a heat lamp on his cage that he seems to like. Thanks for the help and support guys, hopefully he keeps improving.
And update. It looks like maybe I am lucky (if anything related to a sick animal can be lucky) and maybe kiwi's issues are bacterial. He definitely doesn't seem any worse, and he ate quite a bit of millet yesterday. I have another millet spray in his cage now that he is eating at the moment. His food in his food dish also looks like it has been eaten more. I read that birds respond quickly to antibiotics and begin improving in about 24-72 hours. Hopefully that's what's going on. I've also read that they need a long antibiotics course, like 45 days, so that's what I am planning. If he continues eating more I will probably start cutting back the amount of formula I am giving him as last time I did it he was not very receptive, and just start dosing the antibiotics alone orally.

He has a heat lamp on his cage that he seems to like. Thanks for the help and support guys, hopefully he keeps improving.

Yey! Glad to hear of an update. Did you contact your vets? If you tell them of his improvement (and situation) they might be able to advise how long to have him on antibiotics for? Keeping them on for too long can be bad too.

Glad that he appears to be eating some on his own too. Keep going, I'm hoping you can keep him stable until a vet visit can happen. Keep us updated!

Good luck, hang in there little guy!
The only antibiotic treatment that requires 45 days is for chlamydia so, unless he has it, don't give him antibiotics for so long (they are very hard on the liver and kidneys). Give him antibiotic for seven days and stop for one so you can give him probiotics (to replenish the intestinal flora killed by the antibiotic) and milk thistle (to give his liver a boost).

And be very careful with reptile lamps, they are NOT meant for birds and can hurt their eyes -that's why I use and recommend others to use a heating pad under the grid of the cage (cover it with paper so it doesn't get poop on it). Heat rises so, if you put the pad under it and cover all sides but the front with a towel, the entire cage will be nice and toasty (put a thermometer in there and make sure it's between 85 and 90 degrees).

Give him soft, fattening food to supplement his regular one so he can gain back the weight: cooked white rice, white bread, cooked couscous, polenta, etc.
kiwi seems to be improving quickly. he's acting like himself again and is eating well. I'm just trying to get some weight back on him. I took the heating lamp off earlier today, I couldn't find a way to position it without it leaning it on his cage and I was scared hed get burnt, I'll try the heating pad. I was going to look into the antibiotics course length more before actually committing to it, but you say a week? what kind of probiotics do I give him after the treatment, will yogurt work?

here is a video of kiwi bathing in a watermelon in my boyfriend's lap. we were meaning to see if he liked to eat watermelon and he decided to use it as a bird bath instead haha
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A final update - Kiwi is off the antibiotics now and seems fully recovered. He is eating well again and looks much better. I'm going to make sure I have a couple hundred dollars set aside for birdy emergencies in the future.

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