Help!!! Baby on the way and Amazon has a serious screaming problem!


New member
Jun 25, 2009
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Hi! I'm new here and this is going to be kind of long. I have a 2 1/2 year old female Spectacled Amazon. We got her at a breeder's shop when she was a year old. She had been in a cage most of her life because nobody really wanted her. We've been working hard to get her to be more social. She steps up really well but won"t allow anyone to touch her. She just recently started taking food from our hands. And she just started responding to my voice. She doesn't talk, but will make kissing noises at me and whistle at me. About the last 6 months, once she started coming out of her shell, she started to have a screaming problem. It has gotten progressively worse over time. We're expecting our first child in september and I'm worried that if we can't get the screaming under control, we may have to rehome her. Tthe screaming is so loud that if I'm upstairs inside our room on the phone, the person on the phone can hear her screams. I know that there's no way the baby will be able to sleep through it.
I thought it might help if I tell you when she screams. Every morning, for about 3-4 hrs off and on, she screams. She will also scream if she hears any unexpected noise like someone knocking on the door, any phone ringing, a door opening, someone talking when the rm was previously quiet. She also screams to compete with me. If i'm talking on the phone or talking to someone in our house, she screams every time I talk. She screams if I'm on the computer with my back to her, and it's finally gotten to the pt where she screams pretty much every time I'm not giving her attention. I've tried covering her cage, I've turned my back and ignored it, I've left the rm, but nothing will make her stop. I've added more toys and things to try to keep her occupied which work for a short time, but she'll still throw a tantrum everytime she feels like I'm not focused on her. I love her a lot and was looking forward to sharing many years with her. But I know that if we haven't figured this out before the baby gets here it will only get worse. And my child's wellbeing has to be my priority. I'm hoping that someone can shed some light on my situation so that we can all live happily as a family. Please help!

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