Help and advice for rescued African Grey.


New member
Apr 16, 2015
A relative of mine found a African Grey and a Cockatiel abandoned in a cat cage. Luckily,we happened to stumble upon them before any rain came. They were locked into the cage with a heavy padlock which we were able to break.
The Cockatiel seems to be fine but the African Grey had a large chain around its leg. A large portion of the chain was removable but there is a small bit left that we are unable to remove. I will be bringing him to the vet when I can. The African Grey is able to talk but does not seem very used to people. The flight feathers have also not been clipped. Is there any advice as to how I should care for it? I do not have much prior experience with parrots or birds in general. I will upload pictures of the parrot and its leg when I can. I do hope to receive some advice or feedback. Thank you very much in advance.
Wow! Water in a dish, apples, most any fruit! There are many others that are much more edgumakated that will give better advice!

FYI, most likely stolen, so document everything to protect yourself! What area of the world are you in?

Check here:

I would wait a bit before posting anything.
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Wow! Water in a dish, apples, most any fruit! There are many others that are much more edgumakated that will give better advice!

FYI, most likely stolen, so document everything to protect yourself! What area of the world are you in?

Check here:

I would wait a bit before posting anything.
I am living in Singapore. I do not think that it was stolen. It was abandoned at the void deck, which is basically the common area for the many HDB blocks we have here in Singapore. Its quite common for animals to be abandoned there. Most likely a family that couldn't continue caring for it and just left it there. Sadly, its quite a common occurrence here.
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First of all, it's just flat wrong to chain a parrot's leg like that. That needs to go ASAP!
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First of all, it's just flat wrong to chain a parrot's leg like that. That needs to go ASAP!

The remainder of the chain is connected to a metal piece around its leg. I went out to get it a temporary cage. It seems to be doing quite wel, with no visible injuries and its eating and drinking normally. I will try to ask the vet if the ring around its leg can be removed.
I am so glad that your relative found them! People can be so terrible, abandoning pets:(
Its good that he is eating, and I am sure he will feel better as soon as vet can remove that chain. Bless you for taking these poor birds in.
I am living in Singapore. I do not think that it was stolen. It was abandoned at the void deck, which is basically the common area for the many HDB blocks we have here in Singapore. Its quite common for animals to be abandoned there. Most likely a family that couldn't continue caring for it and just left it there. Sadly, its quite a common occurrence here.
Am so glad to hear that! You are a blessing to these birds! You will find a wealth of information AND support in this forum. Please, keep us updated on your progress and don't vanish!
Both of those birds are wonderful birds! Please give the Grey time, he is an amazing creature, with great potential, once he learns to trust you. You are about to learn those little stinkers are humans, stuck in feathers! Actually, better! You will never be betrayed!
Poor babies! I'm so glad you guys found them. Lots of time,patience, and treats and you'll have a happy bird on your hands. Remember not all greys like being handled and can learn to tolerate it but sometimes they will never really enjoy it and that is okay! Everything has to be their idea on their terms for a while otherwise you'll end up with bloody fingers. Your new friend is brilliant and will never forget your kindness.
I am so sad to hear the conditions you found these birds in but SO HAPPY you all have taken the in and are caring for them. CAGs are so intelligent...cockatiels are so sad!
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Update: I have gotten both of them new cages,I will be going to the pet store for supplies for both. Any advice on what I should buy? Both cages are already equipped with perches and food and water. Is there anything else I'm missing? I will be buying toys from the pet store later today
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Bless you for taking those sweet babies in! They are so lucky that you found them!
thank you thank you thank you. It takes a special kind of person to care enough to do what you're doing.

Get toys that the birds can tear apart safely (ask the store for foraging toys) and try to change their water daily as well as feed them fresh foods (never avocado). My bird loves broccoli and carrots best.

Clean the cage when needed, and change the liner in the bottom daily. Spend some time each day talking to the birds to reassure that they will be okay.

Thank you again for taking them in. My eyes are watering with happy tears for these sweet babies.
How incredibly sad that we humans can do this to innocent animals. Thank you for taking them in and giving them a better life.

Please look for a nutritious pellet that has most of the vitamins and minerals that the African grey needs, and then ad safe veggies to this on a daily basis. Fruits every second to third day as well. On this forum you will find many lists of what is safe to feed them in terms of veggies and fruits. I am not sure about cocatiel food, but I know their are owners on the forum that will help on that side as well.

They may take a while to trust you, especially since they come from the environment that they do. My grey comes from a home where he was loved and only now, after six months does he really start to open up to me and coming over to ask for my attention. So please be patient with him/her. It will be so worth it when they do!

A vet visit will be very important here as well yes, especially with that chain and any unseen needs the birds have.

I know this will be a learning curve for you, so please ask anything you need, we will help as much as we can!

Thank you again for what you are doing!!
Update: I have gotten both of them new cages,I will be going to the pet store for supplies for both. Any advice on what I should buy? Both cages are already equipped with perches and food and water. Is there anything else I'm missing? I will be buying toys from the pet store later today

Give them both your credit cards, they are smart enough to know what they need.
FYI, get overdraft protection! Welcome to my world!
Update: I have gotten both of them new cages,I will be going to the pet store for supplies for both. Any advice on what I should buy? Both cages are already equipped with perches and food and water. Is there anything else I'm missing? I will be buying toys from the pet store later today

Wood toys, as they like to chew, rope perch and Boing, kuttle fish. helps with keeping beak trimmed. Your doing good and Thanks for taking those birds in, you'll find they will both appreciate you and grow very fond of you.

Talk to them and explain things to them as they will begin to understand, especially the Grey. They are very observant and smart.
When I was very young I remember my father arguing with pet shop owner. On the way home I asked my father what was he yelling at the pet shop owner for?. He said that The argument was over a Cockatoo that was chained to it stand at the entrance to the Pet shop. He pointed out that it was very cruel has there's a lot of weight on the bird's leg. The chain restricts it movements to the stand. This was a horrible existence for such a large bird.
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Both are eating very well but the Grey does not seem to like carrots very much haha
He bites them into chunks and throws them around. Also I am not sure why but it started meowing this afternoon. Will be trying to get them both to the vet either on Saturday or Sunday. Its been stretching out its leg and wing at the same time,sign of anything bad?
Nope, just stretching, I believe it is part of relaxing behaviour. The meowing, there might have been a cat in his previous home, they mimic anything and everything, lol.
Both are eating very well but the Grey does not seem to like carrots very much haha
He bites them into chunks and throws them around. Also I am not sure why but it started meowing this afternoon. Will be trying to get them both to the vet either on Saturday or Sunday. Its been stretching out its leg and wing at the same time,sign of anything bad?

Try cooking the Carrot some....raw carrots are a bit tough and have fiber..My grey dosen't like raw carrots, cook them a bit and he'll eat them.

Sounds like a cat at previous home.....Greys can mimic anything.
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Update: the African Grey has been getting much friendlier. A few times today it let me pet its head. The Cockatiel has started singing alot more as well. It was quite skinny when we found it but seems to have put some more weight over the past few days so I'm not that worried about it anymore. Thanks for all the advice all of you have been giving me so far it has been really helpful!

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