

New member
Mar 9, 2017
Blue Crown Conure, Hans Macaw, Jenday, Blue and Gold Macaw.
I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Andy, I'm 47 years old and both myself and wife have been parrot owners for many years. We currently own 4 parrots, a Blue Crown Conure, Hahn's Macaw, Jenday and the baby of the family our B&G Macaw.

I live stateside although I am originally from Northern Ireland. I love to read through forums and decided what would be better than to subscribe to a parrot forum.

Anyway I hope that I can be beneficial to this forum and look forward to being a regular reader/poster.
Hello and welcome!!! What a great flock you have -- I personally owned a Jenday many years ago and have wanted to get back into the conure game ever since :) Great to have you on the forums! Would love to see pics of your flock too! How is everyone getting along? I would love to hear your experiences with owning conures and macaws together!
Welcome to the Parrot Forums!

If you ever get tried of hand searching the Forums, they using the Search Button at the bottom of the Top Banner. You will be amazed at the 'stuff' that is burned deep with in the Forum!

Welcome! We have a great group of folks here and are always happy to add another!

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Welcome to the forums, Andy! You have a nice menagerie, looking forward to learning more about their adventures!
Welcome to the forums, Andy! Looking forward to hearing more about you and your flock.
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Two of my boys playing. The Blue crown does most of the talking but my Hahns talks a storm when he wants to. :) All four birds get on really well together. The only time we ever have any problems is after the birds have had a bath. For some rather strange reason the Jenday becomes very aggressive towards the Hahns when the Hahns has taken a bath. I separate them until both are nice and dry and then its best of buddies again lol.
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Welcome. Very happy you found us.
My Patagonian would make a great Third Muskateers with your two guys...
Oh yeah, except that he hates everybody and everything but me.
And if youre an old man at 47, I'm Methuseletta at... um... older than that!
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Welcome. Very happy you found us.
My Patagonian would make a great Third Muskateers with your two guys...
Oh yeah, except that he hates everybody and everything but me.
And if youre an old man at 47, I'm Methuseletta at... um... older than that!

Well let me put it this way I have 3 children and 5 grand children one of whom is now 15, boy do I feel old lol. I'm often referred to as the old man by the Grand kids and it's just something that has stuck :)

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