

New member
Aug 30, 2012
London, uk
Blue Front Amazon - Raja hatched on 20/06/2013
Hi all!

Just thought I should drop a tread to introduce myself.

I am new to the world of parrots. I've been reading lots of threads on this website for over a month now.

I have just got my baby blue front amazon, Yoshi! :green: Ive had him a week now and He's a real character and is really cheeky already, although he loves to bite, although I am assuming that's how he investigates things.
Hello and welcome to the forum :) Is he biting to hurt or just beaking?

Would love to see a pic of Yoshi:)
Hey MilS, welcome to the forum, several new zons this week. Congrats
Hey mils welcome to the forums as henpecked said several new zons this week including mine jinx is my 14 week old male blue front nice to have another new zon owner on board. :D
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Hi, Wenz. Iam not sure if it's to hurt or beaking. But it does hurt at times, it doesn't break skin though. He has no probs climbing onto my hand though.

I'll get some pics uploaded ASAP.
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Thanks henpecked and Paul. Jinx looks amazing.
How old is yoshi mils as jinx bites down aswell if he hasn't broken your skin or made you bleed it means he is beaking and most of the time this means he is hungry jinx has had four feeds today and now he is fine he is happily sat on his perch on top of the cage watching telly.
Hi, Wenz. Iam not sure if it's to hurt or beaking. But it does hurt at times, it doesn't break skin though. He has no probs climbing onto my hand though.

I'll get some pics uploaded ASAP.

They normally bite gently on your hand or arm to test the water so to speak.. this is when its called beaking:)

If he is biting to hurt , just firmly say "No" each time he does it, this will nip it in the bud hopefully and will make him realise he shouldn't be doing this:)

Look forward to seeing the pics of him.
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Yoshi was born on May 20th so he is 15 weeks old. Similar age to Jinx. Actually that explains a lot, maybe he might be hungry. I have said NO a few times firmly but I find he just tries to ignore it and tried again. Lol. He is learning not to bite so hard though, slowly!
Just give him single bits of veg and fruit it should calm his breaking down on your hands and fingers if you ever need help with him me Wendy henpecked and some of the other experianced zon owners will be glad to help you and yeah yoshi is abit older than jinx he hatched on the 12 June. :)

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