hello there


New member
Apr 26, 2015
Hi, just signed up...

I've got one lovebird, she's called Burd. she was a he, but now she's a she ;)

she's a hybrid, mum was a peach face, and dad was an albino black mask. I read hybridised lovies can be more aggressive and skittish etc... how much of this is true and how much is snobbery? as surely without hybridisation there'd be no new colour forms beyond the wild colours...?

anyway, not fussed, she's a cool little bird now we've worked through her hormonal teens :p she became super aggressive frm about 13 months old. but it got so bad by the time she was 2, that I went and learned what to do. got a new cage, all new toys/perches/etc and started over. the transformation was within 24 hrs from attacking the bars when i came into the room... to being handleable again without gloves and coming on in leaps and bounds with physical contact and good behaviour... ie. not ripping a pound of flesh off at every chance!!

here she is anyway, some pics :)

when brand new... 8 weeks old

about 14 weeks

8 month

aaaaand lastnight now she's tame again! 2.5 years old
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Well Hello and a warm Welcome to you and Burd. What a little beauty. Congrats to you for finding a way to curb the aggression and turn things around for Burd. You've made excellent progress, I'm sure it will be well rewarded.

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